Context. Im a us expat living in the uk as a resident. The london election results are in. it has taken 4 days to get them, and all because "covid". Sadiq won the vote, but the parallels to the us elections feel significant.
There are lot of residents like me generally and we ate not allowed to vote. I would bet money a fair number of them did.
I would love to see how the split fell, and if the vote was compromised here. How do we get an audit for london?
I am just outside London so find it hard to care about their mayor but the countrywide local elections at same I have to say I found depressing. Three useless traditional parties plus Greens. I thought about going along to spoil my ballot paper but just the thought of fighting the mask nazis put me off even doing that. Sat in the sun and had a beer instead.
I'm in a city in the midlands. I felt as you do. I didn't vote either.
nor me...soon as i read 'build back better' i know they are davos lot. how people can vote for boris johnson beats me, he welcomed the arch of baal into london when he was lord mayor ..they are all so corrupt...i hate living here and would live in USA if i could.
I got a letter from my council about a survey to complete on local facilities. It mentioned "build back better"
I wrote an email to the council worker who signed it telling him that he should research "build back better" and "pathogenic priming" and discover what he is a part of.
I was really pissed off.
my council wont even reply to emails now.. nor the lord mayor..just been re-elected.. i think they are all satanists..all they care about is transgendering kids, its disgusting..i wrote and told them they were not there to turn our children into litle answer of course...
have you seen this? Here is the Lawsuit / Court Filing Document. Lawsuit: Dr Reiner Fuellmich, international lawyer has all the evidence that pandemic is crime STACY AMIKWABI, SHAWN BRENNAN, GEORGE FAYAD, JOSHUA ALAS-WILSON, ALISA TOJCIC, JANE DOE, JOHN DOE Plaintiffs -and- POPE FRANCIS, THE HOLY SEE, THE STATE OF THE VATICAN, THE SOCIETY OF JESUS, HM QUEEN ELIZABETH II, THE ORDER OF THE GARTER, THE HOUSE OF WINDSOR (FORMERLY SAXE COBOURG GOTHA), GLOBAL VACCINE ALLIANCE (GAVI), the UN’s WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION/PUBLIC HEALTH ORGANIZATION OF CANADA, BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION, PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU, DR. THERESA TAM, PREMIER DOUG FORD, CHRISTINE ELLIOTT, MAYOR JIM WATSON, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA, THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR ONTARIO Defendants (Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his 1,000 international lawyers and 10000 medical experts are also talking about Nuremburg 2.. There is a death sentence for violations of the Nuremburg Code and USA has executed people over violations of the code. experimentation through vaccination carries the death penalty violations of the nuremburg code.. so are masks pcr testing lockdowns health passports etc. USA has since the war executed medics who violated the nuremburg code. You can look this up on Daily Expose...the media who are complicit in this fake pandemic wont tell you about it.)
i write and put evidence on the telegraph online and send it to others as well and comment in newspapers advising them to look at daily expose and healthy impact news etc. i would be surprised if any of them was not build back better, its not just boris johnson who welcomed arc of baal when he was lord mayor... i think they recruit their own...