It's funny they say that when they've the ones who keep saying "EveRytHinG iS pOliTicAL" in order to excuse their infestation. Funny to see them get a taste of their own medicine where someone has the balls to tell them to get their political shit out of our lives. No more mercy this time. I don't feel bad for seeing them get treated harshly. Leftists are a disease.
It's funny they say that when they've the ones who keep saying "EveRytHinG iS pOliTicAL" in order to excuse their infestation. Funny to see them get a taste of their own medicine where someone has the balls to tell them to get their political shit out of our lives. No more mercy this time. I don't feel bad for seeing them get treated harshly. Leftists are a disease.
No mercy. Klik-klak.