There are a LOT of these type vids showing the BS narrative of Lumber shortages. Nothing short of market manipulation to drive up prices, most notably homes. Why Homes? Part of the American dream is to buy a house. Can't do that if they're priced out of the average middle class incomes: look at California where you pay $500k for a damn shack.
Do some investigating.
Here's a primer:
notice all the "proof" you have is stacks of LUMBER, not SHEETWOOD.
there is a OSB and plywood shortage, not a lumber shortage.
you need both to build a house, so the stick lumber stacks up while the sheetwood gets backlogged.
most of our sheetwood comes from canada, canda had much worse covid restrictions than we did.
the sheet wood mfgs here in the states are cranking out OSB and plywood as fast as they can, they are working overtime because they are able to charge a lot for their product right now so it encourages them to get while the getting is good.
their only option being to expand and build new mfg facilities and hire more workforce.
problem there is by the time this boom levels out, they're stuck with a facility they don't need and all the extra costs that go with it.
so they're just gonna let it ride.
all the workers get overtime, all the owners make fat bank, and they'll keep going as is till the demand drops off.
also plastics got expensive because most of it comes from texas oil refineries and the deep freeze screwed that all up. not to mention the huge demand for all that plastic once people had to start replacing all their froze/busted plumbing.