East of the Cascades, no doubt. Very blue in the Puget Sound area. My home town of Bellingham is as blue as cheese, and when I grew up it had all been settled by Scandinavians, Germans, and Dutch. Level-headed people. Can't entirely blame imports. Most of my high school graduating class have become Blue Meanies. Bear in mind that during the FDR years, the U.S. was often described as "the 47 states and the Soviet of Washington."
East of the Cascades, no doubt. Very blue in the Puget Sound area. My home town of Bellingham is as blue as cheese, and when I grew up it had all been settled by Scandinavians, Germans, and Dutch. Level-headed people. Can't entirely blame imports. Most of my high school graduating class have become Blue Meanies. Bear in mind that during the FDR years, the U.S. was often described as "the 47 states and the Soviet of Washington."