Im in oregon. My best friend has been recently been notified all employees and students of a certain county school system have to be fully vaccinated before the start of next school year. Please PLEASE help me out to fight this and provide as much legal info to arm those who are willing to say hell no.
My friend knows all about the horrible deatgs and ailments from all of the jabs. I need as much info as we have. Ill do my due dilligence and search as well but need more of chrrent peolle suing employers and winning over this mandatory vax shit. This whole state is full of scum! Every nook and cranny is full of people who go against the grain of what this country stands for. We still have mask mandates!! We went under lockdown thanks to the almighty emperor kate brown. Just in time for that mask mandate to expire too!
God bless you all. This is very important to me and the community I am in.
I would say beyond putting the district on notice legally in writing that they cannot by law require anyone to participate in a medical experiment as part of a drug trial, the quickest way to get around it is by way of the ADA and getting a medical exemption - allergies and prior adverse reactions are enough to qualify . Employers React to Workers Who Refuse a COVID-19 Vaccination
The bottom line is that under Federal Law and employer cannot require an employee to submit to an experimental medical device under Emergency Use Authorization. It is not the same thing as a FDA approved vaccine which can be mandated by an employer as long as it complies with ADA.
Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA
Here is a form that can be given to the employer. It is by America's Frontline Doctors. It puts employers on notice and makes them think twice about the liability issue. People that have been harmed have found out the hard way that there is no one that will pick up the financial responsibility for their medical costs or disability related expenses. The more employees that can submit the form, the better. There is more power in numbers. Good luck.