My relationship with God is my buisness not yours. You obviously haven't noticed the state most churches are in because you are either blind or part of the problem. At one point in my life I was at church every time the doors were opened. Want to know why I dont go anymore? Hypocrites and backstabbers infested my church so I cut ties. I saw more "evil" done by so called saved churchgoing people than I care to go into. If I feel like roasting some stupid dipshit for getting a poison vaccine that we are all being browbeaten to take because they get the very same reaction we are trying to avoid I will do so. I don't need to be preached at or chastised by some random "christian" who feels the need to throw rocks from their ivory tower of superiority. You aren't the gatekeeper for Christianity as much as it seems like you want to be.
"If I feel like roasting some stupid dipshit for getting a poison vaccine that we are all being browbeaten to take because they get the very same reaction we are trying to avoid I will do so. "
.....and advertising a weakened state and their address like a fucking lemming.
My relationship with God is my buisness not yours. You obviously haven't noticed the state most churches are in because you are either blind or part of the problem. At one point in my life I was at church every time the doors were opened. Want to know why I dont go anymore? Hypocrites and backstabbers infested my church so I cut ties. I saw more "evil" done by so called saved churchgoing people than I care to go into. If I feel like roasting some stupid dipshit for getting a poison vaccine that we are all being browbeaten to take because they get the very same reaction we are trying to avoid I will do so. I don't need to be preached at or chastised by some random "christian" who feels the need to throw rocks from their ivory tower of superiority. You aren't the gatekeeper for Christianity as much as it seems like you want to be.
Nice retort/ rant. 100% concur
"If I feel like roasting some stupid dipshit for getting a poison vaccine that we are all being browbeaten to take because they get the very same reaction we are trying to avoid I will do so. "
.....and advertising a weakened state and their address like a fucking lemming.