wassa78 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh so because I want to wait for evidence and proof of him being arrested and charged before throwing a party I'm black pilled huh? As I said when he does the perp walk I'll be ecstatic. Until then it's just speculating and hoping. Is this really such a hard concept to grasp? By the way who died and made you king? I dont answer to you or anyone else here.

wassa78 2 points ago +2 / -0

I doubt anything happens to him. They will find a way to make it "the previous administration's fault" and fauci will keep doing the Sgt Schultz routine. Until i see him doing the perp walk I don't believe he will suffer any consequences legally. He may "retire" or get fired but he will never face justice.

wassa78 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would have pissed myself if he threw out the fetal alcohol syndrome thing hahaha

wassa78 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well they cant be expected to eat bats ALL the time right?

wassa78 5 points ago +5 / -0

That or he knows that nobody will do shit about it because they have his back. Maybe I'm just too jaded from all that has happened but i still think they have his back just not publicly. I hope I am wrong but I've come to expect the worst from our government.

wassa78 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well i mean he IS Castro's kid after all. At least that's what the evidence I have seen shows.

wassa78 10 points ago +10 / -0

Maybe she will get her wish after all. I mean if she pulls through she could have a white nurse give her racist fucking ass sponge baths in between rolling her racist ass around in a wheelchair. That's kinda like having a white slave right?

wassa78 2 points ago +3 / -1

As one of those "sick fucks" as you say I have a small piece of advice for you. Don't throw rocks of condemnation from your ivory tower of self righteousness while calling others "sick fucks". That kind of kills your whole argument dead in its tracks. Seems like you are more sympathetic to the baby eaters than us "sick fucks" which is just unreal. So called Christians like you are exactly why i stopped going to church. I bet your church is an echo chamber of people sitting around admiring the smell of their own farts. Go look in the mirror before casting judgement on anyone else.

wassa78 3 points ago +3 / -0

Desantis is indeed a head scratcher. I just don't understand the appeal of kay ivey. The old southern grandmaw shtick has been wearing thin with me since she came into office. Look at her works not her words. The same goes for any and all politicians. Tuberville has already started turning his back on us and he just fucking got elected.

wassa78 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haha thats funny. Meemaw Clampett is still a bought off China shill swamp rat though. I guess everybody also forgets how she got into office in the first place. Montgomery Burns AKA Robert Bentley gets thrown out because he couldn't keep his crank in his pants. Ivey is the Lt governer so she finishes his term. Then she runs for her first full term against Walt Maddox who was mayor of Tuscaloosa. Maddox tried to hold up his response to the 2011 tornadoes as proof he could run the state. It then comes out that he as mayor used imminent domain to take away residential property from tornado victims so it can be rezoned commercial and buisnesses could build on it. I can't find a link to that but I distinctly remember it being reported. This of course give Meemaw Clampett all the ammo she needs to win not to mention all a Republican has to do is fog up a mirror in Alabama and they get elected. Don't get me wrong Maddox was a piece of shit and will always be one but when you run against a guy like that it's not hard to win.

wassa78 4 points ago +4 / -0

This isn't a BOOM. This is a 76 year old swamp rat throwing a bone to the base to distract from her failures. If you live in Alabama and actually think Meemaw clampett gives a shit about the voters you aren't looking close enough. She rammed through a wildly unpopular gast tax hike that the voters of Alabama told her and the state house and Senate they didn't want. Granted this happened before the coof so maybe everyone forgot. I didn't and many others havent either. Our state prison system is an absolute shambles and she has bungled it since day one. She is also one of the governors that was on the list of bought and paid for China shills that Mike Pompeo released a while back. Passing this doesn't change the fact she is incompetent at best and corrupt at worst. Please continue to sing the praises of Meemaw Clampett I think it's hilarious.

wassa78 1 point ago +2 / -1

Getting a little tired of "enjoy the show". That statement is so condescending and stupid. The country is burning before our eyes and we are expected to "enjoy the show". What a crock of shit. 4 years of an illegitimate president is totally unacceptable. I know I can't do anything about it but "enjoy the show" sure as hell won't either.

wassa78 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess being riddled with herpes takes a backseat to complications from the jab. Now he has two problems to worry about. Womp Womp.

wassa78 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hopes he dies in agony. I hope every person pushing this crap dies in agony. I know that sentiment isn't shared by many but oh well. These are the ones who would kill us and our families in a heartbeat if they could. No sympothy and no apologies.

wassa78 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't realize granny clampett aka Kay Ivey was on this list. Reason #58274825 why I hate that woman.

wassa78 2 points ago +2 / -0

Until proven otherwise doesn't it make sense that she knew about all of this and said nothing or worse was an active participant? I'm not buying the Sgt Schultz routine. You don't operate in that environment and have absolutely no knowledge of such a widespread network of pedos. Plausible deniability is not the same thing and being innocent.

wassa78 4 points ago +4 / -0

My relationship with God is my buisness not yours. You obviously haven't noticed the state most churches are in because you are either blind or part of the problem. At one point in my life I was at church every time the doors were opened. Want to know why I dont go anymore? Hypocrites and backstabbers infested my church so I cut ties. I saw more "evil" done by so called saved churchgoing people than I care to go into. If I feel like roasting some stupid dipshit for getting a poison vaccine that we are all being browbeaten to take because they get the very same reaction we are trying to avoid I will do so. I don't need to be preached at or chastised by some random "christian" who feels the need to throw rocks from their ivory tower of superiority. You aren't the gatekeeper for Christianity as much as it seems like you want to be.

wassa78 0 points ago +1 / -1

People using Christianity as a crutch for inaction is what got us into the mess we now find ourselves. Weak church leaders are what got us into the mess we now find ourselves. Church congregations more worried about having a social club instead of worshiping God is what got us into the mess we now find ourselves. The body of Christ is in bad shape yet here you are all holier than thou in a message board thread. Absolutely unreal...

wassa78 6 points ago +6 / -0

They are tools to be used. Once their usefulness is at an end they will be shrugged off and thrown on the trash heap. It will be epic when this realization hits them. We all know they are made fun of behind their backs by these burn loot murder leaders for their gullibility and blind obedience. It's honestly kind of sad but this is the bed they made for themselves.

wassa78 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never understood how "great people doing good things" as you say could or would join the masons. I mean do they not do the slightest bit of research or fact finding about the organization? Their own books and literature are full of creepy ass shit so how do they not know? Don't they have to read and study said books and literature as part of being masons? I'm not trying to attack anyone but it has never made sense to me.

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