From your daughter's reaction, I can tell you are a good mom with a sense of humor. I know how it feels to worry about this--my only daughter took the shot. How can a loving mom be anything but worried?
I am hoping there will be a treatment for the shot for my daughter and all of our kids who believed they should take it...
The brainwashing from social media is strong--all the best to her!!
Some people are getting shingles from the virus and vaccine. I would ask her to go see a doctor, you wouldn't want it to get worse without treatment if it is shingles.
Younger people are also getting shingles from having to wear masks all day (for work). Comprised their immune systems and they got an illness that is usually something that crops up later in life.
I'm surprised at your sense of humor in all this. I was devastated to learn that my stepdaughter took the vax at the bad advice of her asshole mother. If it were my actual daughter, I'd be inconsolable, not making jokes. Maybe that's just me. I hope your daughter will be OK.
Two libs daughters, one Trump daughter (youngest) and one “who cares either way” daughter. And I’m not quite sure where it all went wrong but I can tell you we’ve had serious problems over it.
I have three daughters - oldest is red-pilled (thank the Lord) - she and the hubby refuse the jab and refuse to give it to my precious grand-babies; middle girl is a nurse in Dallas - she got the jab, along with her BF (they are fairly liberal minded); and my youngest - a flaming liberal - I told her NOT to get the jab if she wants kids, not sure if she did or not. She hasn't gloated, so I'm really not sure! We can only do our best - and pray it works out!
I did. I listed and talked about detergent, and many things. She’s always been real allergic to stuff with her skin. I finally brought up the vax.
From your daughter's reaction, I can tell you are a good mom with a sense of humor. I know how it feels to worry about this--my only daughter took the shot. How can a loving mom be anything but worried? I am hoping there will be a treatment for the shot for my daughter and all of our kids who believed they should take it... The brainwashing from social media is strong--all the best to her!!
Some people are getting shingles from the virus and vaccine. I would ask her to go see a doctor, you wouldn't want it to get worse without treatment if it is shingles.
Whoa, I haven’t heard of that. I’ve already told her to go see the Doctor.
Younger people are also getting shingles from having to wear masks all day (for work). Comprised their immune systems and they got an illness that is usually something that crops up later in life.
Ask her to look up covid arm
I'm surprised at your sense of humor in all this. I was devastated to learn that my stepdaughter took the vax at the bad advice of her asshole mother. If it were my actual daughter, I'd be inconsolable, not making jokes. Maybe that's just me. I hope your daughter will be OK.
They are all adults. We’ve fought way to much over all this crap. I’m a Trump supporter and they are Trump haters. All I can do is pray.
Two libs daughters, one Trump daughter (youngest) and one “who cares either way” daughter. And I’m not quite sure where it all went wrong but I can tell you we’ve had serious problems over it.
I have three daughters - oldest is red-pilled (thank the Lord) - she and the hubby refuse the jab and refuse to give it to my precious grand-babies; middle girl is a nurse in Dallas - she got the jab, along with her BF (they are fairly liberal minded); and my youngest - a flaming liberal - I told her NOT to get the jab if she wants kids, not sure if she did or not. She hasn't gloated, so I'm really not sure! We can only do our best - and pray it works out!
I don't know whether to laugh at her joke or cry at the fact she is having a reaction. Hope all will be well.
lots of people getting these rashes, some of them so severely that they rupture and bleed. sorry about your family bud :/