Announced by the House today....continuing Trump EO from 2019????
Here is link to original EO 13873 Trump signed 5/17/19
"A message from the President of the United States, transmitting continuation of the national emergency with respect to securing the information and communications technology and services supply chain that was declared in Executive Order 13873 of May 15, 2019, is to continue in effect beyond May 15, 2021..."
This extends President Trumps Executive Order dated May 15, 2019 and found in OPs second link to the federal register.
"I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that foreign adversaries are increasingly creating and exploiting vulnerabilities in information and communications technology and services, which store and communicate vast amounts of sensitive information, facilitate the digital economy, and support critical infrastructure and vital emergency services, in order to commit malicious cyber-enabled actions, including economic and industrial espionage against the United States and its people."
If our election in 2020 was hacked by foreign adversaries, this EO would be important to keep in place. I think that is why this is considered a chess move by OP. I agree. If the resident is in charge, wouldn't he have let this expire?
Not with the narrative that Russia, Russia, Russia is responsible for the Colonial Pipeline "hack."
Yes, we all believe everything Russia, Russia, Russia, don't we? ;-)
My personal opinion on the pipeline hack is that the DS and MSM need a narrative to explain gas prices going up. Of course, we all know it is due to the Communist/Marxist policies of the current regime, but they have to tell the normies something.
See other post ... Somewhere on GAW, yes, an inspector came out and said it was a planned shutdown, not a hack.
Thanks Rooks. I think this is the post you may have been thinking of.
Add into this fact that Gov Witchmer shut a pipeline down from MI to Canada at the same time and I would say they are clearly showing their hand.
Exactly MAGA_Patriot_1776.... it’s interesting just how many details we can learn by diving into site and Federal Register. Not to mention, to follow the $$$$$. Thanks for interpreting the links I provided and YES, CHESS MOVE??
Thank you for your important post Gagypsygal! I know that not everyone clicks links so I pasted in some of the more useful text. Happy to help out. Rock on!