I posted video of the missiles being shot down by iron dome, but some of them do land and people have died. We are living in Biblical times and God is doing a work to preserve His true people...believing Jews and Gentiles who make up the Body of Christ.
Iron dome vid https://www.wnd.com/2021/05/unreal-video-shows-israelis-seeing-iron-dome-systems-defend-hail-missiles/
The couple who were miraculously saved. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NS9qeQgJ4ok
What is a typical Qassam rocket?
Qassam rockets are propelled by a solid mixture of sugar and potassium nitrate, a common fertilizer. The warhead is filled with smuggled or scavenged TNT and urea nitrate, another common fertilizer.
The rocket consists of a steel cylinder, containing a rectangular block of the propellant. A steel plate which forms and supports the nozzles is then spot-welded to the base of the cylinder. The rockets use a seven-nozzle design, with the nozzles drilled directly into the rocket base plate. The warhead consists of a simple metal shell surrounding the explosives, and is triggered by a fuse constructed using a simple firearm cartridge, a spring and a nail.
Qassam rockets are cheap to build. They can be made for around $1,000 each or less, depending on available materials. They can also be made quickly, so it makes sense that Hamas can have thousands of them stored up by now. The Qassams aren't accurate. Their design doesn't allow them to spin in flight, and any small, minor variation in the nozzles will send the rocket off course, sometimes by several miles. Just by it's nature, the rockets are meant to cause fear... but they aren't accurate enough to be effective at anything other than causing panic. Any actual impact and damage done is by shear luck.
I wouldn’t want to live through the hell they face however cheaply the rockets were made. Maybe you could because you can calculate the odds of anything happening.