I posted video of the missiles being shot down by iron dome, but some of them do land and people have died. We are living in Biblical times and God is doing a work to preserve His true people...believing Jews and Gentiles who make up the Body of Christ.
Iron dome vid https://www.wnd.com/2021/05/unreal-video-shows-israelis-seeing-iron-dome-systems-defend-hail-missiles/
The couple who were miraculously saved. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NS9qeQgJ4ok
the whole thing is fear porn and false flag. creating a story that gives credit to God for saving someone is just another tactic to get you to share the story. it's all a distraction. if the controlled demolitions passed off as rocket damage didn't tip you off, I don't know what will. Don't fall for this shill tactic of spreading "positive glory to god" stories just to push the narrative.
You see ff, fear porn, demolitions, I see the glory of God. To each his own. I suppose I have as much right to express what I believe here as you do.
Shadows on the cave wall.