From my searching it appears you're incorrect. Combustion produces carbon dioxide. The carbon monoxide comes from incomplete combustion, which it seems there is always some of, but regardless, it appears most of the gas produced from combustion is carbon dioxide.
Carbon Monoxide
CO is a product of the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing compounds. Stationary combustion sources produce CO, which is oxidized to CO2 while dispersing in the air from the stationary source. Stationary sources of CO are significant only quite near the source.
Most of the CO in the ambient air comes from vehicle exhaust. Internal combustion engines do not burn fuel completely to CO2 and water; some unburned fuel will always be exhausted, with CO as a component. CO in vehicle exhaust can be reduced by using partially oxidized fuels like alcohol and by a variety of afterburner devices. It tends to accumulate in areas of concentrated vehicle traffic, in parking garages, and under building overhangs.
So it seems any CO which was released oxidizes in the atmosphere.
From my searching it appears you're incorrect. Combustion produces carbon dioxide. The carbon monoxide comes from incomplete combustion, which it seems there is always some of, but regardless, it appears most of the gas produced from combustion is carbon dioxide.
So it seems any CO which was released oxidizes in the atmosphere.
Looks like we shouldn't be worried about the concentrations of CO in the air.
And from
If this chart is correct then carbon monoxide emission from a passenger car looks to be about 1/20th the carbon dioxide emission.