Who is going to debonk this? I was skeptical before but there are a lot of videos now. I do not think it is a viral hoax trend. Does everyone forget the little moving strands in the masks? That was not debonked either. Hope this is true so the vaccinated will wake up in large numbers. Maybe white ahts just injected something that is harmless but magnetic somehow lmfao... hopefully. or else they are going to be used as drones? idk lmao
I asked my vaxxed sheep friends to debunk this and it has been crickets. They were joking about getting microchipped yesterday when I was telling them they were the experiment, funny how that works.
Wow, well that's not gonna be a good thing for older men who already have heart issues because of iron overload. And they don't tell anyone about this....
How are all of these people hoaxsters using sleight of hand like a magician? So far that is the only explanation I have heard. But look at these people. Do these seem like people who have spent years studying sleight of hand? Do their reactions seem performative? Does the camerwork look highly manipulated? Because it doesn’t look like that to me. This looks like real people in real life situations really sticking magnets to their arms. To try to pull this off with this many people being hoaxsters? That means all these natural reactions of onlookers are all in on it? And look at the level of sleight of hand would be involved. Some lower middle class single mom with three kids in the background, holding her phone in one hand and the magnet in the other, is also pulling off advanced sleight of hand to pocket a real magnet with a fake magnet all in one shot as the camera flails around sloppily like she is barely paying attention to what she is doing? Does everyone realize how hard that would be for a professional illusionist to pull off with this level of natural realism, and yet we are supposed to believe all these people are doing precisely that? These people are all better magicians than David Blaine? Is that really the explanation they are selling here?
Do these people look like professional illusionists to you?
Logical thinking!
Do they seem like trolls?
Like actors?
Where is the haha payoff if these are all just hoaxsters and illusionists?
Where are the leftists and covophobes at? Why aren’t they delighting in this troll job?
The vaccine IS the microchip.
The microchip IS the vax pass.
They did it without people’s consent.
The shot heard round the world?
Microchipping people against their knowledge, against their will, without their consent? Biden owns this. Fauci owns this. Democrats own this. WHO owns this. CDC owns this. Corporate media owns this.
The people are fucking magnetic. They were microchipped against their will.
Crime against humanity.
Grounds for Nuremberg 2.0. Grounds for public executions by world tribunal.
Who is going to debonk this? I was skeptical before but there are a lot of videos now. I do not think it is a viral hoax trend. Does everyone forget the little moving strands in the masks? That was not debonked either. Hope this is true so the vaccinated will wake up in large numbers. Maybe white ahts just injected something that is harmless but magnetic somehow lmfao... hopefully. or else they are going to be used as drones? idk lmao
I asked my vaxxed sheep friends to debunk this and it has been crickets. They were joking about getting microchipped yesterday when I was telling them they were the experiment, funny how that works.
if they didnt respond then... I would image they are now one with the borg.
The government explains the technology
So it's basically a shot of very magnetic iron particles, like VERY magnetic nanoparticles. That would kind of explain the magnets sticking.
Yes, it seems so, My enquiring mind asks why this is even needed and how will it be used@
I've read that MRI scans are going to be challenging for the vaccinated.
It also re-introduces the question of particle resonance and a possible link to 5G frequencies.
In that article they seemed very excited at the many uses for the magnetic properties. I thought that odd. They didn't really elaborate.
Pretty curious. WHY would there be magnetic material in this? And so much of it!
This is probably why
Wow, well that's not gonna be a good thing for older men who already have heart issues because of iron overload. And they don't tell anyone about this....
no idea but they have crazy technology. I cannot conform or deny this but I do no magnets should not stick to people lmfao
This is probably why magnets are sticking to the site of the death jab
How are all of these people hoaxsters using sleight of hand like a magician? So far that is the only explanation I have heard. But look at these people. Do these seem like people who have spent years studying sleight of hand? Do their reactions seem performative? Does the camerwork look highly manipulated? Because it doesn’t look like that to me. This looks like real people in real life situations really sticking magnets to their arms. To try to pull this off with this many people being hoaxsters? That means all these natural reactions of onlookers are all in on it? And look at the level of sleight of hand would be involved. Some lower middle class single mom with three kids in the background, holding her phone in one hand and the magnet in the other, is also pulling off advanced sleight of hand to pocket a real magnet with a fake magnet all in one shot as the camera flails around sloppily like she is barely paying attention to what she is doing? Does everyone realize how hard that would be for a professional illusionist to pull off with this level of natural realism, and yet we are supposed to believe all these people are doing precisely that? These people are all better magicians than David Blaine? Is that really the explanation they are selling here?
https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/Magneticcovidvaxarm-1:6 even more
How could all these people be faking?!?
Logical thinking!
Do these people look like professional illusionists to you?
Logical thinking!
Do they seem like trolls? Like actors?
Where is the haha payoff if these are all just hoaxsters and illusionists?
Where are the leftists and covophobes at? Why aren’t they delighting in this troll job?
The vaccine IS the microchip.
The microchip IS the vax pass.
They did it without people’s consent.
The shot heard round the world?
Microchipping people against their knowledge, against their will, without their consent? Biden owns this. Fauci owns this. Democrats own this. WHO owns this. CDC owns this. Corporate media owns this.
The people are fucking magnetic. They were microchipped against their will.
Crime against humanity.
Grounds for Nuremberg 2.0. Grounds for public executions by world tribunal.