Are people retarded?
? These people are stupid!
I live in a very lefty area and lately tons of handwringing on social media about “how will we know who is vaccinated?” The person asking this is always presumably vaccinated.
Do they not understand that them being VACCINATED means that they are VAC-CIN-ATED? I.e. the point of the VACCINE is to protect you against the VIRUS. So why do you give a shit if someone else has it - you are VACCINATED & PROTECTED (other controversies aside).
I think these are some of the stupidest people I have ever encountered. Boggles the mind.
A friend told me a rumor today that airlines might refuse some vaxed people (vaxed with AZ for example) in the future if they are at extra risk of DVT (bloodclots) because of the higher risk of clotting while flying.
I reckon the vaxes will be exposed and withdrawn this year. Woudn't it be ironic if your wife couldn't travel and you could, because she listened to her bonehead friends.
I hope she can travel by the way, because she has made that huge sacrifice for it.