Surprised no one picked this up:
Pornhub's parent company, Mindgeek is liquidating its assets because it cannot pay its bills anymore, according to inside sources. 80% of its videos have been deleted and they are not accepting credit card payments at this time. Mindgeek is the largest player in the porn industry and likely a key player in the sex trafficking trade. This is HUGE news, especially because of the damage porn has caused and the overall role it has played in the breakdown of the family.
Or you can go MGTOW and not have to worry about women ruining your life.
No such thing as a unicorn/NAWALT.
hi there ;)
You know the rules.
Nah don’t get triggered, people make blanket or polar statements all the time about the gender that we all know there are only 2.
Man and Woman.
... the trick is to harness the tension, shape it and direct it. A trick which I’m afraid we will be learning till our last days of this earth.
I like the channel "think before you sleep". That dude is pretty spot on.
Is a women ruining your life something you actively worry about? Sounds like some incel shit tbh