I'm liking this Aug 30th, 2018 3-year delta. How did we know about "CORONA" back in 2018 you ask??
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I don’t think Corona in these posts refers to virus, but rather satellites.
Those were satellites. Infact the bigger coincidence is that they named the virus the same as the spy satellites they were using to control the whole world. These clowns are stupid
Has anyone done any digging on Z8301? It definitely seems to bring up COVID related results when it's searched for, but I don't understand why.
For example:
z8301 site:cdc.gov
Apparently other analysis shows it's related to a Wuhan train route? If so what's T_83? Infrared Sauna Room T-83?
Now that's interesting! Thank you!
JFC. Covid was know about in 2018 by Q? Mind Blown!
Mind blown for certain.. I’m hoping that when this is all over those of us that have been in the battle get a smaller version of that crystal ball... joking of course but it is pretty amazing the accuracy !!!!
Those of us dinosaurs know that CORONA is a spy satellite programme.
Corona virus causes your common cold.
COVID-19 is a specific strain of corona virus that has man-made characteristics.
I hope that makes it clearer.
did you see the Q drop with the corona sun? can't remember the number/when it was posted, maybe someone else does...
I was just thinking the same thing. I think maybe the corona satellites referenced maybe might also be the DS infrastructure to send signals to the nanotech in every person who was vaccinated? This might be a double meaning. I am also aware that there also used to be a constellation of surveillance satellites ran by the CIA which all were named corona.