I can get in on a vpn to usa using mobile tor (orbot), but im in the uk. Fyi - Their letter to the arizona senate is hilariously shit.
In summary: we're offended by you claiming we committed fraud, and we refuse to cooperate, despite court rulings saying we must. We intend to fight this in court without having any proper evidence of what you are doing (despite 9 live streamed cameras showing it), and in the face of insurmountable evidence that we broke the law.
I can get in on a vpn to usa using mobile tor (orbot), but im in the uk. Fyi - Their letter to the arizona senate is hilariously shit.
In summary: we're offended by you claiming we committed fraud, and we refuse to cooperate, despite court rulings saying we must. We intend to fight this in court without having any proper evidence of what you are doing (despite 9 live streamed cameras showing it), and in the face of insurmountable evidence that we broke the law.
Or tldr: whaaaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaa reeee