That's not the case... what happened is they deleted the actual files themselves. On a computer when you delete files they arent really deleted, the bytes are just marked as able to be overwritten, the computer doesn't waste time actually flipping every byte to zero, so it just marks them as 'deleted' and later the computer will overwrite them with other things. By analyzing the raw memory itself you can usually recover these bytes before they've been overwritten. That is what happened, it was deleted, they just failed, forensic harddrive analysis retrieved each byte in the state it was in at the time of deletion.
If you go through the process of deleting electronic information there are various stages of "deleted". When we delete a file the operating system removes the pointers in the file system to that data. As far as the operating system is concerned, that information is no longer linked to the system. The physical hard drive space where that information is stored can now be written to the same as if it were "blank".
Until those physical drive sectors are written to however, they remain in the same state as before. In other words, the information is all there, but the operating system doesn't know about it (directly). You can use a recovery tool to find that information however, since it still exists.
So yes, deleted but recovered.
The only way to truly delete data is to overwrite the physical information with new information. This is beyond the scope of the standard procedure of removal by the operating system.
Worth the watch.
Is recovered the right word? Nothing was deleted to begin with, correct?
That's not the case... what happened is they deleted the actual files themselves. On a computer when you delete files they arent really deleted, the bytes are just marked as able to be overwritten, the computer doesn't waste time actually flipping every byte to zero, so it just marks them as 'deleted' and later the computer will overwrite them with other things. By analyzing the raw memory itself you can usually recover these bytes before they've been overwritten. That is what happened, it was deleted, they just failed, forensic harddrive analysis retrieved each byte in the state it was in at the time of deletion.
If you go through the process of deleting electronic information there are various stages of "deleted". When we delete a file the operating system removes the pointers in the file system to that data. As far as the operating system is concerned, that information is no longer linked to the system. The physical hard drive space where that information is stored can now be written to the same as if it were "blank".
Until those physical drive sectors are written to however, they remain in the same state as before. In other words, the information is all there, but the operating system doesn't know about it (directly). You can use a recovery tool to find that information however, since it still exists.
So yes, deleted but recovered.
The only way to truly delete data is to overwrite the physical information with new information. This is beyond the scope of the standard procedure of removal by the operating system.
I would think the bad guys would know this.