I've stopped buying Chinese-made products for the last 5 months and I can't tell you how happy I've been and how much money I'll be saving.
A lot of Chinese goods are cheap upfront but you'll always end up paying more in the long run as you replace them more frequently. The frustration that comes with using crappy tools and items suck too. Using American / Canadian / Allied products simply is more enjoyable.
Stop buying Chinese. Hit them where it hurts!
Dont buy Craftsmen any more. Older craftsmen made in USA Now made in China.
I paid more for Craftsman at Lowe’s labeled as made in America- a cordless drill and tape measure, was excited to support USA. The kicker was the disclaimer in small print had made in America of imported parts. I would support a double insulated cup competitor of Yeti if made in America but have not found a company. Have any of you?
Snap On ? I think