Looking to move to Texas and leave California behind. I don't even know where else I can ask this question without being banned, so hoping some frens can help me out.
I have a young kid who hates masks along with me and my wife. I need to make this flight for a job, but just want something breathable. I don't care if it works. The vaccinated people are safe.
Any of you have any recommendations?
Handkerchief linen is very thin, I made some for my husband and kids. I also bought some stretch material, don’t remember what it is called, see through but layerd 2 so you couldn’t see through it but tolerable. Chiffon, a little difficult to work with but 2 layers it’s still breathable but not see through. Buy a cheap thin mask at target and cut out the first layer on the inside. That might be tolerable. I wouldn’t recommend the paper ones. One of my state senators spoke to a school board in my county, I did’t know this but he said after 30 min the fibers in those masks start to break down as they get moist and then can be inhaled. Stay away from the 32 degree masks or ones like it, they are one layer one piece. They are suffocating, we borrowed one from a friend to get tested and my 11 yo dropped from 98 to 93 oxygen saturation after 1 min. I decided to play around with it and I dropped from 98 to 83, but I already have problems with my nose.