So what does that mean in terms of the local masons lodge? Is it the same group or is there different factions of free masons with different philosophies?
This is super long, but super great at explaining Freemasonry. Watch it in segments. All the pieces will make sense after viewing. Well they did for me anyway. The local lodge is essentially a filtering of bad seeds that make their way to the very top through varying degrees and orders, who at the top, are the most evil. Most at the local lodge are naive to the secrets of the upper degrees. Freemasons are Satan’s earthly army.
All local masons lodges are just a front for the Luciferians .Sabbatean Frankists. Of course they can have very different teaching and traditions to other lodges but its still a faction within the greater faction of luciferian religion
Its basically a brainwashing program the higher degrees you enter.
All low degree masons most likely think its a christian community or a community of wisdom and knowledge
Its only the 33rd degree mason that is fully aware.
When you hit 20 degree and up then you going to start breaking large moral barriers.
Its basically like the frog in the boiling water analogy. If you encounter the false knowledge of 33 degree mason you would jump out immediately. so the program is designed so smart that the initiate gets slowly boiled and wont understand what is happening to him before its two late. Most wont make it to 33 degree however.
I always find it so ironic they all try to get closer to the all seeing eye but they are in fact completely blind.
See what has happen in the last 10-20 years on the internet and social media is that information are being shared in tetra-bites of data each hour and people are educating each other 24/7 this group of humanity has basically turned into the Borg. (star trek reference) Its collective intelligence, collective conscience is now so enormousness compared to any other group in human history its not even close anymore. We got a complete decentralized,democratic system in all aspect of human knowledge and this is most likely the future of the human race. We are the all seeing eye. We are the Borg. and this is why enemies of humanity has lost.
Freemasonry has many different levels and like the military info is on a need to know basis.
The Local Freemasons on the whole don’t know how evil the higher levels are. The local ones have key people throughout local government, the legal system, business and police forces. They will call in favors when needed
The more loyal, influential, nefarious and powerful you become in your life the higher they will promote you.
The lower degree members don’t know the secrets of the higher degrees and believe the masons are actually good. By the time they find out the truth, it’s too late as they are in too deep.
Same tribe believe it or not
Yeps free-mason controlling both with their hidden hand or shall I say Luciferians, Satanist.Sabbatean-Frankist
So what does that mean in terms of the local masons lodge? Is it the same group or is there different factions of free masons with different philosophies?
This is super long, but super great at explaining Freemasonry. Watch it in segments. All the pieces will make sense after viewing. Well they did for me anyway. The local lodge is essentially a filtering of bad seeds that make their way to the very top through varying degrees and orders, who at the top, are the most evil. Most at the local lodge are naive to the secrets of the upper degrees. Freemasons are Satan’s earthly army.
All local masons lodges are just a front for the Luciferians .Sabbatean Frankists. Of course they can have very different teaching and traditions to other lodges but its still a faction within the greater faction of luciferian religion
Its basically a brainwashing program the higher degrees you enter.
All low degree masons most likely think its a christian community or a community of wisdom and knowledge
Its only the 33rd degree mason that is fully aware.
When you hit 20 degree and up then you going to start breaking large moral barriers.
Its basically like the frog in the boiling water analogy. If you encounter the false knowledge of 33 degree mason you would jump out immediately. so the program is designed so smart that the initiate gets slowly boiled and wont understand what is happening to him before its two late. Most wont make it to 33 degree however.
I always find it so ironic they all try to get closer to the all seeing eye but they are in fact completely blind.
See what has happen in the last 10-20 years on the internet and social media is that information are being shared in tetra-bites of data each hour and people are educating each other 24/7 this group of humanity has basically turned into the Borg. (star trek reference) Its collective intelligence, collective conscience is now so enormousness compared to any other group in human history its not even close anymore. We got a complete decentralized,democratic system in all aspect of human knowledge and this is most likely the future of the human race. We are the all seeing eye. We are the Borg. and this is why enemies of humanity has lost.
I like how this pede thinks.
It's the 42nd degeree when it really gets interesting
Short version:
Freemasonry has many different levels and like the military info is on a need to know basis.
The Local Freemasons on the whole don’t know how evil the higher levels are. The local ones have key people throughout local government, the legal system, business and police forces. They will call in favors when needed
The more loyal, influential, nefarious and powerful you become in your life the higher they will promote you.
Makes you wonder about someone like Steve Wozniak who bragged about moving to the highest echelons within the Freemasons within such a short time.
I wanna know as well. I know some men o hold in high regard. They are member of the local lodge. I dont believe they are no bueno.
The lower degree members don’t know the secrets of the higher degrees and believe the masons are actually good. By the time they find out the truth, it’s too late as they are in too deep.
It means nothing hes full of shit
They were and most likely 33 degree mason
1776 -1000 -100 -10 = 666
The statue of liberty is actually the star of Ishtar
Yes i know how it sounds everything we have been educated about is a lie and every major event has been social engineered for many many generations.
Freemasons are controlled by the Jews -
Some of them. But there is actually two kinds of Jews. Davids kind and then Sabbatean-Frankists.
What kind are the Talmudists?
But muh Democratic People's Republic of Korea