These people are delusional and I am glad they have been weeded out via propaganda; Doctors, politicians, celebrities, teachers, cops, etc. ALL exposed for being the mentally-ill demon worshipping fanatic they are.
They worship the demonic society. If they took the vaccine, it implies they think they will be above those who do not take the vaccine. Even when it is killing them, they will curse God and the right or Trump maybe even, for something they are doing to themselves.
Call me crude, but these same people would deny how fanatic and brainwashed they are, if you were to present the current situations we have been in during 2020/21. and asked them just a over a year ago if they would act so insane, they would shout NO! I would NEVER take experimental drugs! I would NEVER try to abuse and condition children! I am NOT a pedophile who enjoys putting gimp masks and dominating my students! I am NOT a cold blooded killer trying to sell you a deadly vaccine, I am your doctor, you cant trust me!
The line was drawn and made very clear in 2020 - Good or Evil; no controlled opposition in-between, Pro life or anti life, pro freedom or anti freedom.
I got pretty angry at her, but I can’t say anything to her because all we do is fight about masks and the vaccine and mitigation’s at the schools (she is a teacher and I have 6 kids in school). She said she would rather take the risk of the shot than die of covid. However I know she was never scared, even while she said she had to be “cautious”, even at the height of the “pandemic” she still went to all my siblings houses and my nephews live with her and one worked at a grocery store. As soon as she could she started going to restaurants. She ga e me a hard time because I wouldn’t wear a mask, in another state to protect her because she is “high risk”. Yet she had just been at my house a week before and we went to a restaurant together. In case you are wondering she has rapid TDS and supported sleepy joe.
I worked with nuclear weapons. I know acutely well what types of PPE work and what don’t. No face seal no protection.
I am shocked how stupid people are. The fucking BOXES of the masks say they don’t work.
This must be why we don’t see civilizations in space. It’s impossible to overcome the dead weight of 50% of the population having no critical thinking skills.