That's what I thought too but Fauci can change his mind on a whim and it's considered "settled science" each time he does. Just like with the masks. Just like with kids being low-risk.
It would be nice if they would source their claim of 1 in 3 people with COVID are asymptomatic spreaders. We always have to provide sources for our claims, so they should too.
This whole plandemic makes no sense from any rational perspective. Only when viewed from the angle of the global tyrants using it to seize power and usher in rapid change to world do all of the moving parts begin to make sense as a whole.
I wish I knew the percentage of people who understood what you just said. I’m so frustrated with the people who do not see that the inconsistencies are the evidence that their logic is faulty and therefore wrong.
The second bullet point is pure BS. There is no such thing as asymptomatic spreading. The PCR test is a farce. Spin anything around long enough and you can generate a positive result:
Rather than sticking the swab to the back of your throat or up your nose. If you coughed and spat on the test swab, that would be sufficient to determine if you are affected without having the swab penetrate you . . . just saying
I think months from now we are going to find out that the swabs with their EO chemicals on them, caused the next wave of mega illness / cancer. Let your saliva do the work but do let that swab anywhere near your brain or airwaves
I want to speak in the best dramatic Hollywood blockbuster trailer voice...
Imagine a virus so deadly .... you have to get tested twice a week to know if you have it. Introducing:
"It could even be youuuuu"
Clown world doesn't even know what it wants to be.
twice a week? wtf
I've never been tested and dont plan on it
AMEN!! I have NEVER been tested and never will!!!! And don't ever plan on taking the jab either!
I thought it was shown that asymptomatic spreaders is not a thing
That's what I thought too but Fauci can change his mind on a whim and it's considered "settled science" each time he does. Just like with the masks. Just like with kids being low-risk.
It was debunked by a study months ago. Asymptomatic spreading was found to be infinitesimally small.
It would be nice if they would source their claim of 1 in 3 people with COVID are asymptomatic spreaders. We always have to provide sources for our claims, so they should too.
Even without a source.. a disease so horrible so destructive... that it frequently has no noticeable effect on the people it has infected?
What a pandemic! What an existential threat to the world that justifies massive harm to people and their liberties and shooting up with poisons!
The covid vaccine advert tells you that the vaccine is pointless. You just have to be able to read.
This whole plandemic makes no sense from any rational perspective. Only when viewed from the angle of the global tyrants using it to seize power and usher in rapid change to world do all of the moving parts begin to make sense as a whole.
I wish I knew the percentage of people who understood what you just said. I’m so frustrated with the people who do not see that the inconsistencies are the evidence that their logic is faulty and therefore wrong.
The second bullet point is pure BS. There is no such thing as asymptomatic spreading. The PCR test is a farce. Spin anything around long enough and you can generate a positive result:
Watch the first video.
They are so desperate to test. Why?
Rather than sticking the swab to the back of your throat or up your nose. If you coughed and spat on the test swab, that would be sufficient to determine if you are affected without having the swab penetrate you . . . just saying
I think months from now we are going to find out that the swabs with their EO chemicals on them, caused the next wave of mega illness / cancer. Let your saliva do the work but do let that swab anywhere near your brain or airwaves
Where’s their caveat about if you’re vaxxed no need to worry? Oh wait, you do still need to worry.
Oh so I no longer have to get a giant qtip inserted into my brain or is it just done with the same qtip but faster?