Insurance doesn’t cover elective experimental procedures unfortunate consequences and outcomes. Any fallout from this free injection is solely the responsible of the donut eater. This one seems fine with that.
Yes but reports from the afflicted say the hospitals are putting terrible things on the documents like a panic attack or leg spasm or something that wont incur any assistance. It’s true the medical personnel aren’t admitting it’s vaccine related. But the treatment by the establishment is horrific if you need it. I didn’t write down the clip part for when they discuss the insurance bills but it’s in this Video:
Doctors only taught thirty min on vaccination (probably just that they work) meaning a well researched individual knows far more than the “trusted expert” who is just a shell We are told is wise.
Testimony from three medical professionals who suffered injury from the vaccine. Three women experience shakes and tell their testimony. The woes of seeking treatment after a vaccine injury. “A diagnosis of I don’t know what wrong with you, so we’re going to blame you” they have no idea what to do and are too scared to help them. One neurologist denied her visit entirely. In line with reports from other doctors how the neurologist refuse to see anyone related to the vaccine.
One hid the fact that she was vaccinated in hopes to get help. They are treated for migraines and ptsd.
Vears behind in reporting by the months plus. The process of forms is ridiculous. The real numbers could be ridiculous “our lives are just as important as those who got covid” 44 min
No, you are right. The liberal is saying if he doesn't have to pay for dealing with the consequences of the vaccine in terms of health care, then he doesn't care. Anyone in the real world knows that insurance does anything it can to not cover things it absolutely doesn't have to. I can't recall if there are conflicts with experimental vaccines and insurance coverage, but it would not even surprise me if there was such a thing. Insurance won't cover certain new medical devices if there isn't 15 years of data to support them. I would highly doubt they want to dish out money on vaccine injuries.
Heroin is being used to "combat" a virus though lol
No one is coercing people to take heroin unlike the vaccine
That comparison is so poor
Insurance doesn’t cover elective experimental procedures unfortunate consequences and outcomes. Any fallout from this free injection is solely the responsible of the donut eater. This one seems fine with that.
Yes but reports from the afflicted say the hospitals are putting terrible things on the documents like a panic attack or leg spasm or something that wont incur any assistance. It’s true the medical personnel aren’t admitting it’s vaccine related. But the treatment by the establishment is horrific if you need it. I didn’t write down the clip part for when they discuss the insurance bills but it’s in this Video: Doctors only taught thirty min on vaccination (probably just that they work) meaning a well researched individual knows far more than the “trusted expert” who is just a shell We are told is wise. Testimony from three medical professionals who suffered injury from the vaccine. Three women experience shakes and tell their testimony. The woes of seeking treatment after a vaccine injury. “A diagnosis of I don’t know what wrong with you, so we’re going to blame you” they have no idea what to do and are too scared to help them. One neurologist denied her visit entirely. In line with reports from other doctors how the neurologist refuse to see anyone related to the vaccine. One hid the fact that she was vaccinated in hopes to get help. They are treated for migraines and ptsd. Vears behind in reporting by the months plus. The process of forms is ridiculous. The real numbers could be ridiculous “our lives are just as important as those who got covid” 44 min
No, you are right. The liberal is saying if he doesn't have to pay for dealing with the consequences of the vaccine in terms of health care, then he doesn't care. Anyone in the real world knows that insurance does anything it can to not cover things it absolutely doesn't have to. I can't recall if there are conflicts with experimental vaccines and insurance coverage, but it would not even surprise me if there was such a thing. Insurance won't cover certain new medical devices if there isn't 15 years of data to support them. I would highly doubt they want to dish out money on vaccine injuries.