Interesting how the advantage always goes to the Democratic candidate. If this fold line error is to be believed it would need to occasionally work in a Republican’s favor. When it is always in favor of the Democrats it’s not a malfunction, it is a feature.
The state rep races get staggered because they don't want to make it look like they're running against each other in pairs (New Hampshire has a massive amount of representatives, so voting for 4 at a time is pretty common).
So this democrat was basically on a line by herself, giving her a bigger fold advantage in this town.
If it is just the fold, and it's found in other parts of the state, it could actually have benefited some republicans. I don't know if NH puts dems in the first column always or what.
Interesting how the advantage always goes to the Democratic candidate. If this fold line error is to be believed it would need to occasionally work in a Republican’s favor. When it is always in favor of the Democrats it’s not a malfunction, it is a feature.
The state rep races get staggered because they don't want to make it look like they're running against each other in pairs (New Hampshire has a massive amount of representatives, so voting for 4 at a time is pretty common).
So this democrat was basically on a line by herself, giving her a bigger fold advantage in this town.
If it is just the fold, and it's found in other parts of the state, it could actually have benefited some republicans. I don't know if NH puts dems in the first column always or what.
Kristi St. Laurent did not kill herself.
Just getting in early, coz she done messed up.