The UK has been a living, breathing 1984 for a long time. Orwell is not turning in his grave - he is pissing himself laughing. I am now at the point where any day I fully expect the TV “licence” (read: BBC tax) to be used to make paid viewing mandatory always on 24/7, not unpaid viewing illegal. Full disclosure: I have avoided British Broadcasting Communism for many years with the same vigour as I avoid dodgy experimental gene serums.
If you want anonymity and zero tracking... then turn OFF your cell phone. Turn it on to use it... then turn it back off.
Otherwise, just assume that someone is monitoring your location, tracing your phone calls and listening to your conversations. If you assume that... you're probably right at least part of the time.
The UK has been a living, breathing 1984 for a long time. Orwell is not turning in his grave - he is pissing himself laughing. I am now at the point where any day I fully expect the TV “licence” (read: BBC tax) to be used to make paid viewing mandatory always on 24/7, not unpaid viewing illegal. Full disclosure: I have avoided British Broadcasting Communism for many years with the same vigour as I avoid dodgy experimental gene serums.
Any country can do this, if a person had the jab, and probably are.
Are they tracking the nanoparticles?
Using cell phone mobility data.
I always assume all countries are doing it.
If you want anonymity and zero tracking... then turn OFF your cell phone. Turn it on to use it... then turn it back off.
Otherwise, just assume that someone is monitoring your location, tracing your phone calls and listening to your conversations. If you assume that... you're probably right at least part of the time.
When we could physically take out the battery we could shut them off. Not anymore. It's still on even when "off."
What's the one under it, "Risk of long Covid lung" ... what?
I know I wish I could read that part too