I feel like sometimes it's easier to know what's going on based on the level of attack from the left and deep state.
For example, if any "news stations" take on Dominion they get slapped with a multibillion dollar lawsuit. Same with Patriots like Lindell and Powell, billion dollar lawsuits.
Audit in AZ with GA next? Listen to Scarborough's absolute meltdown. Epic meltdown.
Those types of things alert me to when we are directly over the target.
When I saw Pompeo get sued, my first thought was good, they must be worried about Pompeo. And that's good for us.
Did he really believe that rant of righteous indignation would really pan out the way he wanted it to?
Geebus, talk about saying the quiet part outloud. Leave, so we can have a massive number uneducated worker ants tow the line and without questioning the governments authority.
The President of Arizona senate being mailed white powder, and now Rand Paul being mailed white powder and a straight threat on his life (though Rand's looked more like theatre than reality). Definitely over the target.
The Democrats had to win this election. If Trump won straight, he would of dismantled the FBI, CIA, and destroyed the system they built to the masses full well knowing he would never be impeached, and he didn't have to kiss anybody's ass for re-election. So they cheated so much and sloppily to save their hides.
The problem is they thought everybody would go back to sleep, like most Democrats have. They don't understand the majority of Patriots are on the other side... and now they are being found out.
Completely agree. The irony is that their cheat will make it even easier to take them all down. Had Trump won in November we would have had 4 more years of hate and distraction from the MSM. And then once Trump's second term was over it would all slide back to how it was before.
When we clear all the corruption out, due to massive widespread fraud, and complicity across the board, it will actually work out better I think.
We need a massive swamp draining and the Big Steal might be the best way to accomplish it.
I would love nothing more than to see massive, massive arrests of all the treasonous scum. May the punishment fit the crime.
Always nice to see a white hat confirmed by the DS's actions.
I was like huh to this comment, then I got it. White hat indeed confirmed.
I feel like sometimes it's easier to know what's going on based on the level of attack from the left and deep state.
For example, if any "news stations" take on Dominion they get slapped with a multibillion dollar lawsuit. Same with Patriots like Lindell and Powell, billion dollar lawsuits.
Audit in AZ with GA next? Listen to Scarborough's absolute meltdown. Epic meltdown.
Those types of things alert me to when we are directly over the target.
When I saw Pompeo get sued, my first thought was good, they must be worried about Pompeo. And that's good for us.
I just googled "Scarorough meltdown".
Did he really believe that rant of righteous indignation would really pan out the way he wanted it to?
Geebus, talk about saying the quiet part outloud. Leave, so we can have a massive number uneducated worker ants tow the line and without questioning the governments authority.
The President of Arizona senate being mailed white powder, and now Rand Paul being mailed white powder and a straight threat on his life (though Rand's looked more like theatre than reality). Definitely over the target.
The Democrats had to win this election. If Trump won straight, he would of dismantled the FBI, CIA, and destroyed the system they built to the masses full well knowing he would never be impeached, and he didn't have to kiss anybody's ass for re-election. So they cheated so much and sloppily to save their hides.
The problem is they thought everybody would go back to sleep, like most Democrats have. They don't understand the majority of Patriots are on the other side... and now they are being found out.
Completely agree. The irony is that their cheat will make it even easier to take them all down. Had Trump won in November we would have had 4 more years of hate and distraction from the MSM. And then once Trump's second term was over it would all slide back to how it was before.
When we clear all the corruption out, due to massive widespread fraud, and complicity across the board, it will actually work out better I think.
We need a massive swamp draining and the Big Steal might be the best way to accomplish it.
I would love nothing more than to see massive, massive arrests of all the treasonous scum. May the punishment fit the crime.
This is at least a little less ludicrous than the investigation into his business using Chinese paper clips lol But yes, agreed.
There are many, many folks who he could go after, but he goes after Pompeo. How obvious.
That’s an insane amount of money for what is essentially deposition prep. None of his story adds up.
Everyone is SUE HAPPY!
Link to AP article.
I’m so sick of this, fam. They’re really running out of options it seems to control the news cycle.