If there is any good outcome to COVID and to these poison jabs, it could be that western medicine as it is practiced and administered will finally be discredited, and deservedly so.
Our health emphasis and priority should be on lifestyle - nutrition and physical training. Every damn American - especially those in the lower income classes - should have SAFE access to grocery and farm stand outlets with fresh food, and not salty, sugary, greasy artificial concoctions.
Completely agree. Look at the major actual gym chains
Memberships plummeted and so did attendance yet they refused to budge pm prices. No reason a 24 or LA fitness membership should cost $80-90 a month for two people. it's treating fitness as a status symbol and a luxury instead of a NEED. Some people's light or gas bills aren't even $80.
I can understand a gym might not be NECESSARY but access to machines and free weights and a safe environment should be accessible to everyone.
But the libs would rather subsidize hormone replacement for trans or "green energy"
I cringe when I think of the McDonald play areas. Why can't those play areas be in every park in the inner cities - police patrolled if necessary to keep the kiddies safe?
If there is any good outcome to COVID and to these poison jabs, it could be that western medicine as it is practiced and administered will finally be discredited, and deservedly so.
Our health emphasis and priority should be on lifestyle - nutrition and physical training. Every damn American - especially those in the lower income classes - should have SAFE access to grocery and farm stand outlets with fresh food, and not salty, sugary, greasy artificial concoctions.
Completely agree. Look at the major actual gym chains
Memberships plummeted and so did attendance yet they refused to budge pm prices. No reason a 24 or LA fitness membership should cost $80-90 a month for two people. it's treating fitness as a status symbol and a luxury instead of a NEED. Some people's light or gas bills aren't even $80.
I can understand a gym might not be NECESSARY but access to machines and free weights and a safe environment should be accessible to everyone.
But the libs would rather subsidize hormone replacement for trans or "green energy"
I cringe when I think of the McDonald play areas. Why can't those play areas be in every park in the inner cities - police patrolled if necessary to keep the kiddies safe?
Oh, I forgot. The police have been defunded.
Oh yes. And then there's that fat kid who gets stuck & farts in the tunnel slide as kids are screaming for mercy behind him with tears in their eyes.
ROFL...that sounded a little too close a story from personal experience, eh?