We are all a big alien experiment. Good, neutral and evil aliens experiment on us. Countries exist to prevent contamination of country experiments. States are called experiments of democracy...and they are also alien experiments. We have been treated like cattle by many types of aliens. Trump is an alien who's come to save us from an interdimensional alien called Moloch that eats life force and prefers the life force energy of the innocent. I could go on... what do you all think?
I think I am the 1% that, absolutely no truth could put me in the hospital. Do you feel similar?
It doesn’t sound dumb, but you are wrong about easter and nimrod. Look up the history of the word easter as it was used in the church, and recognize the absurdity of thinking that just because there are pagan seasonal hi life around the same time as Christian holidays that it must mean the Christian holiday derives from the pagan one.
Christianity as it is does not tell you who to love and who not to love. Jesus says love your neighbor as yourself and when asked who our neighbor is, tells a story demonstrating that our neighbor is all other humans - even those we despise. Which means we must love all humans as much as we love our own selves!!!!
So your contention that christians are taught to not love some people is nonsense.
I could definitely see that, but why the bunny and Easter eggs? Ester’s symbol as a fertility goddess was a white rabbit and the way you prayed to her was killing a child, draining its blood and dipping eggs in the blood to dye them red before hiding them in the temple. Whoever found them was said to have the goddesses blessing. So if that’s not the reason for why we hide eggs for kids and have rabbits associated I’d love to know the Christian reasoning. Also she was a springtime goddess (hence Easter timing) when science has shown the eclipse mentioned in the Bible did happen that year but in November.
And the only historical reference to Christmas trees was nimrod saying every December 25th, cut down a coniferous tree, bring it inside and wrap it in tinsel of gold and silver. So what’s the Christian reason for the trees and how does it relate to Jesus? Also where in the Bible does it say anything about December 25th?
And to Christianity and loving your neighbor I don’t disagree at all. But then where’s this hostility towards certain groups of people coming from like gay people for example? Not saying you’re not right about what the Bible preaches, just how it is practiced today. People seem to like to pick and choose who they want to love and who they want to omit
The easter bunny has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity
It has nothing to do with Easter
The fact that Christians participate in easter egg hunts does not show that the reason they celebrate Easter (Christ’s resurrection) is tied to pagan mythology
It is a pagan usurpation of Christian Easter through taking the pagan holiday and injecting it into Christian celebration of Christ's resurrection and hypnotizing Christians into not making the distinction such that they are now celebrating it on the same day
That’s all I’m saying. Not saying people celebrating Easter aren’t celebrating Christ, simply using it as an example that mainstream Christianity has been highjacked by occultists to some extent. That was the point. And that’s the thing, these dark magic rituals are very real to those who practice them (and I would argue are real, look at how many times they talk about mediums, witches and dark magic in the bible). So yes people are still celebrating Christ but celebrating him in the traditions of the very people Christ stood against. It’d be like celebrating Jewish heritage by dressing up in Nazi uniforms and goose stepping around will doing the hail Hitler salute; you could say you’re still celebrating Jewish heritage but that’s a really fucked up way to do it.
And again my point isn’t that people don’t believe in Christ or that they aren’t celebrating him. My point was the Christian faith has been overrun with satanist occultism
So for my question to you, what is it going to take for you to accept that maybe your beliefs aren’t right? I’ve done the research and come to a conclusion I didn’t believe in before I did the research. You’re just saying I don’t believe it so I won’t look into it, I’ll just call it a conspiracy (which is exactly what Q told us not to ever do, and is what we complain the sheep are doing). This wasn’t question everything until it gets personally uncomfortable for you and your beliefs, it was question everything. The biggest Christian institution is one of the most evil, satan worshipping child trafficking cabal vehicles so maybe you could take it all with a grain of salt? I’m not attacking your faith but I am saying if you say no I draw the line here and nothing that is counter to the Bible could be true and I’m not even gonna do any honest research, then you really aren’t any better than any of the sheep.
Also are you saying Q was wrong when he said aliens are real? Have you looked into the trip codes which link to SKUs for books on exopolitics? Or that he linked to the MJ12 account? If not then I guess you’re not really interested in the truth, rather just maintaining your belief system. And if that’s the case, I don’t need to waste my time on a lost cause... “the end won’t be for everyone. The choice to know will be yours”
No, you don’t understand
Christians are not celebrating Christ when they do an easter egg hunt