We are all a big alien experiment. Good, neutral and evil aliens experiment on us. Countries exist to prevent contamination of country experiments. States are called experiments of democracy...and they are also alien experiments. We have been treated like cattle by many types of aliens. Trump is an alien who's come to save us from an interdimensional alien called Moloch that eats life force and prefers the life force energy of the innocent. I could go on... what do you all think?
I think I am the 1% that, absolutely no truth could put me in the hospital. Do you feel similar?
So your argument is that Easter (named after a goddess of the spring) has nothing to do with the rabbits and eggs that were also associated with the same goddess?
Ok so then if they’re not at all related and just happen the same day, what is your holiday called? Surely it isn’t named after the pagan figure.
And then are you going to say it’s just random chance that Christmas trees are also on the same day you celebrate the birth of Christ?
You really don’t understand the world and I’m starting to feel bad for picking on someone that very realistically might be mentally handicapped so I’m very sorry. I’ll leave you be
Easter eggs are a christian tradition - they painted them because they were not allowed to eat them during lent. The bunny the hunt are not.
Easter is not the name of any goddess - it has been HYPOTHESIZED that the word easter derived from the goddess Eostrae - which MAY be where the word East comes from.
Easter however simply means “from the east” which is where the sun rises...and we celebrate the Son rising.
I am not sure what you’re trying to prove. If you are trying to say that Christians are celebrating pagan things, you are wrong because we explicitly celebrate the birth, life, passion, death, and resurrection of Christ.
All I originally said is that Christianity has been corrupted in some ways by the cabal (a simple fact if you believe in Q and if not then idk why you’re here). Many in leadership positions worship satan instead of Jesus. That was all I was trying to prove, that and not to use your faith to avoid doing research. Ironically you’re not one of those people who do that so idk why were arguing, but then you starting sending insults and I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove or if you’re just here to shill
Christianity has not been corrupted.
Christianity does not celebrate pagan holidays just because pagans celebrate alongside Christians on the same day. You won’t see Easter bunnies in a Catholic church.
Just because the hierarchy has been infiltrated, you will notice that dogma, doctrine, and scripture have not.
“The gates of Hell shall not prevail against my Church”
Hahaha ok sure. You’re totally immune from evil’s influence. Glad you read through what Q said and really took the time to comprehend the nuances. Why are you even on this site if you don’t agree with Q?