Jon Voight Speaks Out For Israel
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People! Don't conflate Jews with Zionists. When God says "My people Israel" he is talking of all people who love and worship Him. Jews are among His People. Zionists are jews who are not holy, want to rule the world and worship Molach. Most descend from Khazars. The "State" of Israel is Zionist. The "Nation" of Israel is all who revere God.
I so respect and love Jon Voight!! I very much agree with him. He speaks what so many refuse to state themselves or act on. Israel is God's land and His people. They may have betrayed Him by killing His Son, Jesus, because of blindness, but God's mercy is spectacularly great and He will always protect Israel.
We who worship him are Gods people not jews
Not the Jews today. They are not descendants from the original tribes of Israel. This is why so much anti God comes from Hollywood and MSM.
Well Israeli today is a mix of Jews, Muslims, and a few Christians together known as Israelites. Maybe we could get'um all to take dna tests. Could be a bit of alien and farm animal in there.
I’m a minority now ?
what a cuck. fuck israel
I think it's because it's got something to do with an alien race. I don't understand it either.