In my last post I mentioned how we all witnessed the Trump Administration, and anyone who supported him, be assaulted non-stop throughout his administration.
In 2020 this came to a head, starting with his illegal impeachment for a non-crime, then moving to the great Covid hoax.
If you look closely at what happened, Trump provided support to the states to deal with this "pandemic" but stepped back to let the states handle the matter as they saw fit. While this resulted in many crimes being committed by the Governors, it also put on full display the complete failure of the Federal Government agencies - specifically the DOJ - to address the sole purpose for their existence. This was mentioned in the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
The importance of Trump standing back and letting the states handle things will be covered in Part IV. Suffice it to say though, it was extremely important that he did this for what is to come. Trump, and the Q team, understand the true nature of how our government was structured and how, if we still had that structure, what we are seeing happen today would not be happening.
Regardless of everything Patriots know about the Covid hoax (99.7% survival rate, unrealistic push for an experimental vaccine, etc.) it is what Trump did during this period that will be important to remember.
Trump made the Federal Government subservient to the States in directing how things would be done. He provided support for the states. He let the CDC expose themselves as globalists working against the American People (who pay their salaries) and pushing the narrative that a medical emergency somehow suspends law. They used the familiar narrative that our Founding Fathers were not aware of such thing conveniently leaving out that one of the worst medical epidemics we had in the US was Yellow Fever which hit hard only five years after the Constitution was ratified and yet, even among such a deadly epidemic, they never suspended our rights.
Notice Trump also, on many occasions, tweeted, where is the FBI and where is the DOJ. Q also said in many posts to TRUST certain individuals in the FBI and DOJ or mentioned, when are they coming (most specifically in relation to the 14th Amendment Constitutional violations of shutting private businesses down).
The key word there is TRUST. What does it mean to TRUST someone? We know Q sometimes has double-meanings to his posts. Did he mean we can trust them because they are on our side? Or did he mean they are so predictable we can trust they are going to do the things needed to advance the plan?
Lastly, Trump pointed out during this time that we were at "war" with an "invisible enemy" and that the virus came from "Chy-Nah". From what was revealed to me by one of my military friends, this was the most important thing said in the entire four years of the Trump Administration and was the tee-up for the end game.
So at this point keep these points in mind: Trump has seceded authority to the state during the pandemic (more on why this was so vital in Part IV), exposed many corrupt state governments, rooted out many of the 'infiltrators' in our government, began the early stages of pointing to a REAL enemy of the US, exposed the executive branch agencies as corrupt and, with the illegal impeachment, exposed our legislative branch as corrupt.
Only one left to go - the Judicial Branch.
Fast forward to the elections. Q told us all along the virus was truly about this. But any astute Patriot knew this before it was posted by Q.
Does anyone find it a coincidence that Trump, days or weeks before they took certain actions, said that the battleground states would do what they did on election night?
It was in October when he said that he would be way ahead and they would stop counting. When they did, he said, "Let's hope there are not some mysterious big ballet drops in the middle of the night," Which is exactly what happened.
Have any of you been curious how so much of what happened was exposed in such little time after the election was known?
So Trump filed his lawsuits. They met with some State Legislatures. There were competing certifications and Congress completely ignored them. But, most importantly, the Courts showed how they had become corrupt nationwide. Instead of fair application of law, we saw judges who also believe their black robes make them superior to the American people and used their bench to enforce the government's will on the people of the US.
And now, we saw the failing of the last of the three branches of our government as Sydney Powell has pointed out. This is EXTREMELY important to understand for the end game set up - our government has failed on ALL levels.
So what is our recourse (remember in the first post the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence)? What do we do when ALL branches of our government have turned against the very people they serve?
Q has said many times that game theory is how you win this. They basically channeled the cabal and traitors into one of two courses of action during the Trump Administration - of which neither put them in a position to win. This is why Q said Nothing can stop what is coming (the classic Prisoner's Dilemma - no matter what choice, you will still end up in prison).
It gets better, however. It is not a coincidence of the timing and context of things we see going on now (election audits, origin of corona virus, political screw ups being instantly revealed, tech titan 'leaks' regarding their communist practices, etc.)
In the next post I will go through how what we covered so far leads to the SAME end game and how, there are three paths the Q team and Patriots have forced them down now. In each of those three paths, they cannot win either.
Remember these important postings from Q - The only way is the military. The only question that remains - what would it take to get the military involved?
Q knew once they committed to certain actions there was no way they could win. In chess, you may realize when your opponent has you in a foregone conclusion of checkmate. At that point, maybe the best you can do is make it take one or two extra moves for it to happen - but it going to happen.
Game theory is being played to it's finest.
For those just reading this now, here are links to earlier parts: Part I: Part II:
Trump is insulated, and Q doesnt want civil war. Arresting trump would result in Patriots fucking EXPLODING.
This is nonsense.