Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches challenge against COVID vaccines’ emergency use authorization
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RFK Jr. is probably the best spokesman and legal council anywhere to be found for protecting and defending children against medical tyranny. You can go to the CHD website and donate to their cause. When we stand strong together we will win.
Yeah, maybe Trump shouldn't have appointed Pfizer's lobbyist to head the FDA.. and maybe he shouldn't have killed the commission to investigate vaccines in 2017 after getting a visit from Bill Gates... and
if you don't think trump intentionally put swamp creatures in all sorts of roles with the intention of allowing them to hang themselves, you really don't trust the plan
You're right, I don't trust shit. I especially don't trust politicians. Actions speak louder than anything and that's all I (we) have to go by. Everything else is speculation.
If we saw the hero swooping in before any kind of real damage was done, okay. But all I'm seeing is a pro-vaccine agenda from both sides, and thousands of people (9/11 times two) have died as a result so far.
There was no good reason to fasttrack the vaccines and allow the bogus "covid cases" narrative thrive. We could have sidestepped all of that and been on to therapeutics, but no, the DS is now salivating because everything is aligning for Agenda 30.
I stopped trusting a few months ago.still praying daily though
one has to assume he didn't appoint RFK because he would have foiled the setup/ plan. after the swamp is drained then RFK deserves a spot
He did appoint him though, but then cancelled it after the Gates visit. And subsequently fasttracked the Gates vaccines a few years later. Just connecting the dots...
They won't take their own shot. ~ TGP
We need more people like him. On his site is a letter you can use if your employer or university is trying to force you to take the vaccine. This is on the letter:
"EUA products are by definition experimental and thus require the right to refuse. Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is “absolutely essential.” A federal court heldthat the U.S. military could not mandate EUA vaccines to soldiers. Doe #1 v. Rumsfeld, 297 F.Supp.2d 119 (2003). The court held: "...the United States cannot demand that members of the armed forces also serve as guinea pigs for experimental drugs." Id. at135.No court has ever upheld a mandate for an EUA vaccine."
Good for him.
I'm sure the corrupt FDA will take it under advisement and do something about it in the next 12 months.