I agree it is good to know where things actually stand.
Unfortunately, if the situation you describe is correct, you now have a neighbor whom in a crisis will basically be a threat to your families safety. Especially if that crisis occurs (local to your area or national) and presents with certain incentives perceived or real to identifying people whom do not think in step with the main narrative group think. The neighbor is likely to sell you out to the like of BLM / Antifa / other crisis entity should that become advantageous to his position / status during said crisis.
Pathological altruism is very close to the idea of outing people whom do not line up completely with your position to hurt them regardless if it helps others directly. In fact, mental pretzel logic from those types could easily convince themselves that hurting the wrong thinker removes them from society and/or re-educates them by force into right think. Both these outcomes can in their twisted minds be overall helpful to the remaining right thinkers.
Many years ago, I came across the book below and found it to be very helpful in considering actions and behaviors presented to others.
"The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse"
By Fernando "Ferfal" Aguirre
ISBN: 9870563457
Good luck patriot. I hope that as the plan continues to unfold, your geographic location is insulated from any major crisis locally and thus no opportunity for the neighbor to cash in on outing you publicly for potential harm.
I agree it is good to know where things actually stand.
Unfortunately, if the situation you describe is correct, you now have a neighbor whom in a crisis will basically be a threat to your families safety. Especially if that crisis occurs (local to your area or national) and presents with certain incentives perceived or real to identifying people whom do not think in step with the main narrative group think. The neighbor is likely to sell you out to the like of BLM / Antifa / other crisis entity should that become advantageous to his position / status during said crisis.
Pathological altruism is very close to the idea of outing people whom do not line up completely with your position to hurt them regardless if it helps others directly. In fact, mental pretzel logic from those types could easily convince themselves that hurting the wrong thinker removes them from society and/or re-educates them by force into right think. Both these outcomes can in their twisted minds be overall helpful to the remaining right thinkers.
Many years ago, I came across the book below and found it to be very helpful in considering actions and behaviors presented to others.
"The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse" By Fernando "Ferfal" Aguirre
ISBN: 9870563457
Good luck patriot. I hope that as the plan continues to unfold, your geographic location is insulated from any major crisis locally and thus no opportunity for the neighbor to cash in on outing you publicly for potential harm.
Stay ready.
"Just an idea" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yGavIct2O8