When Trump Team members are saying different things, seemingly opposed to each other, think bigger. Don't take what they say at face value.
Understand that when you read news stories of various Trump Team members saying provocative things, or opposing viewpoints they are doing this for a reason.
What they are doing is driving a national conversation. They are opening closed minds to possibilities, placing and keeping a light on issues they want looked at. They are directing news stories, and thereby national attention, to focus on issues they want focused on.
Appearing to be of differing minds creates drama, and the news craves drama from Team Trump. So that is how they get the news to report on subjects they don't want to really cover... but they just can't help themselves.
Start thinking like a shepherd, instead of the sheeple. The view from above is much better.
Enjoy the Show.
This is going to get heavy in the next month or two back in the usa.
Everything is pointing to a driving paradigm shift now. The data is becoming to hard to refute or ignore.
MSM narratives on covid are collapsing, and the audits are spreading like a memetic virus.
More and more pedes posting q stickers seen in the wild, people being more pro trump/ pro Q, less masks being seen, less problems with exercising rights generally.
More states are taking control of their own laws, and more liberals being outed as pedos or being recalled from government.
Resignations and sealed indictments are going through the roof.
Tired of winning yet, frens? I'm not ?
Just put a Q WWG1WGA sticker on my truck 5 mins ago. Lookin fwd to trolling in the wild.