I’ve seen multiple farmers in the flyover states talking about how the government is going to farmers and offering them 1.5x the value of their crops if they destroy the crops.
In Nebraska they are trying to take millions of acres of farmland for “climate change” purposes. The people are refusing to sell but due to eminent domain the government could succeed.
This coincides with China and Bill Gates both buying up massive amounts of land in the United States.
The question is why they want all these shortages
I’m just not sure I have the ability to now also worry about “food shortages”. And I don’t accept this idea that it is all of our fault for not learning how to grow our own food. The entire social contract was that each of us would specialize in ONE field - the one we excel at - and then we would rely on our fellow citizens to provide the goods and services we couldn’t provide for ourselves. This way a mechanic just has to be a mechanic, and not also a farmer and a doctor and a plumber and a lawyer and a teacher and a television writer. Because it was never practical to expect everyone to learn how to do everything, especially if we wanted people to become really REALLY good in their field. Now suddenly we are being told that is wrong and if you didn’t learn how to farm your own food and raise your own cattle, you’re fucked. It’s like when people complain about Pixar and Disney cartoons being made by pedophiles, and someone will inevitably criticize the parents for putting their kid in front of a screen playing a movie made by pedophile. I say fuck that bullshit. Part of the implicit social contract (the one we all pay taxes into) was that kid’s cartoons would not be made by pedophiles - and, that if any pedophiles ever started making kid’s entertainment, there would be a thing called the FBI to catch them, arrest them, and throw them in jail. This whole idea that parents are supposed to go to work all day, pay their taxes, and then ALSO dismantle pedophile networks in their spare time? That’s not right. Or - what - the parents are supposed to just hand-animate their own feature films for their kids? This goes for home-schooling too. We now have all these individual parents home-schooling their kids, and that’s great, but if you talked to all these parents, probably 99% would all agree on the exact same curriculum they want their kids taught, so why isn’t there a school that just teaches that curriculum? Why does every parent have to do it themselves? Again, that’s the social contract being broken. Even with these vaccines. Everyone criticizes the normies for being sheep and getting injected, but at the same time, they shouldn’t really be in this position in the first place, where the entire medical establishment is lying to them and forging peer-reviewed studies to fool them.
Perhaps the Great Awakening is that the whole world is a fraud and there is no social contract and never has been.
all excellent points and worth considering
There is no "social contract," except in some people's minds. Everyone should learn how to do everything they can. In the past that was how it was. Of course, each person had something they were especially good at, or else there wouldn't have been blacksmiths, wheelwrights, etc. But an ordinary farmer not only knew how to grow food, they also could do carpentry, blacksmithing, distilling, and more. I know my great-grandfather did all of those, especially the distilling and blacksmithing, even though he was "just" a farmer.
Specializing can be taken too far, to the point where you know everything in the world about nothing. I'm an expert in a couple of things, but I'm able to do a little in a lot of other fields. I can garden, do some carpentry, some mechanical work, some cooking and canning, and a lot of other things. I also have the tools to do those things. So many people today don't even own a screwdriver or hammer.
People need to educate themselves. The information is out there.
Why did they ban buying seeds at the beginning of the lockdowns?
It only makes sense to keep a supply of shelf stable food put away. Even the evil government says Americans should have a minimum supply of food for emergency situations.
It is also Biblical that in the end times food will become prohibitively expensive (Revelation 6:6).