I found it difficult to read this, mostly because I get so wound up when I encounter deceit, especially when it's masquerading as virtue.
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Thank you.
I got now over 55 GB of evidence for crimes against humanity. Data,articles,videos
You mind sharing some of it?
Not yet but its all over the internet. Don´t worry we got multiple backups. Thousands of us has collected evidence since start of covid.
I particular focused on the media role in using propaganda,social engineering, engineering of consent.
I consider the mocking bird media enemy number one!
My hard drive has been hating me since Feb of 2020.
I'd love to give it a day off, but clown world's got to take a break first.
For updates on what's happening with Ivermectin - considering going to BIRD-Group.org and joining their mailing list.
Excellent news. WHO would make Josef Mengele shed tears of pride.
Checking the evil search engine for "delhi covid cases" and "tamil nadu covid cases", one can see really distinct graphs. New cases comparison:
Delhi (31 May 2021) = 648 (dropped like a stone)
Tamil Nadu (31 May 2021) = 27936 (just past peaking)
Tamil Nadu went all in on Remdesivir (very expensive) and stopped Ivermectin (very cheap). They may have changed their mind by now, going by Zerohedge's story from a few days ago. Of course, those who march lockstep to WHO's dogma will make up all sorts of reasons for the difference.
Good news ,make this public.msm wont.
Outstanding. With the first prosecutions for medical fraud... the WHO lies will be exposed. Next will come the lawsuits in western nations, class action lawsuits by families of the Covid-19 deceased. We will also probably see lawsuits by families harmed by the Covid-19 "vaccines"... since the vaccine companies were complicit in the lies to suppress Ivermectin.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich
BOOM ???
if you read through the complaint, they quote the WHO director several times. An especially alarming aspect of this whole debacle is that the director basically says cortisol steroids are the only acceptable treatment when given at the right time because the patients need oxygen... then goes on to say there is no evidence for other treatment and the best thing is to wear masks. Problem is masks directly inhibit the flow of oxygen. Its totally contradictory and people don't even realize SMH
That is the thing which really gives me chills - is that he's on record saying things which are just so easily proven to be false.
But who is going to help them? The UN? The UN form a worldwide coalition?
Lol, i wish them well but a tall order.
Sadly, I am also unhopeful about success, but I think it serves as a signal nonetheless that there are many around the world who see quite clearly what is going on and who are not going to stay silent about it. And we can pray as well, that God uses this little stone to remind the world that even a Goliath can fall if it is God's will...
The reason why Ivermectin or any pharmeceutical poison might give you the idea that it combats disease is because rockefeller medical system has brainwashed you into thinking that viruses are dangerous they are merely a detox. when you injest poison you stop the symptoms of your flu(detox) because your body is now under chemical attack and must defend itself. The germ theory of disease says germs are evil and deadly yet the human body is 99% bacteria there is no such thing as good and bad bacteria its all good. Let your flus run their course you will be healthier after. If you find this mindblowing just study Aajonus Vonderplanitz he will flip everything you thought u knew upside down such as the myths that water hydrates, that cold heals wounds etc everything people have been taught is 100% incorrect
Adding this is here so that we can keep eyes on the trial status around the world:
This is not covered in local Indian media.
nothing the UK BIRD group does is being covered in the UK media either... The media does not want the population to realise the covid story is not quite as they have portrayed it... I fear that if the good news about Ivermectin gets out, it will be because of individual citizens around the world.