So, as many of us have now seen, 3000+ pages of Dr. Fauci's emails have been released.
They are here (which can be downloaded as a PDF, ~360 MB), which was posted in this thread, this thread, this thread, and, indirectly on this thread and this thread.
Here are some things that 'anons', 'patriots', and right-wing journalists have dug up so far:
#1: In late-February 2020, Dr. Fauci received an email alerting him that COVID was released (not accidentally escaped) from a lab in China. Dr. Fauci forwarded the email to a person at NIH/NIAID and told them to "handle it".
See the threads here, here, and here for more details.
#2: In mid-March 2020, Dr. Fauci received an email titled "Coronavirus bioweapon production method", which supposedly included instructions of how COVID was created.
See the thread here, and here for more details.
This appears to be a troll, by the person who sent the email to Dr. Fauci. See comments here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
#3: In mid-April 2020, Dr. Fauci received an email from researcher Peter Daszak, tied to Wuhan lab, thanking Dr. Fauci for "publicly rejecting the lab leak theory".
See threads here and here for more details, and/or, page 1150 of the Dr. Fauci email document.
Peter Daszak is also known as Biden's "COVID cover-up chief". See here for a recent story here about him meeting with CCP officials.
#4, #5, & #6: Dr. Fauci had urgent, time sensitive discussions about gain-of function, he told colleagues that retail masks don't work due to the size of the virus, and, he ignored a scientist who told him that the CCP was lying about COVID.
See the threads here for more details.
Page 3027 is where Dr. Fauci claims that wearing masks is of little-to-no benefit. See here, here, here, here, and here.
This was in response to the Obama advisor, Sylvia Burwell, asking whether she needed a mask when travelling. See the post here from Patriots and the link therein for more details.
See the thread here for a possibility of the gain-of-function claim. This email dates back to February 1st, 2020.
Another two threads here and here from Patriots, might also be the one about gain-of-function as well. This one is about another email on February 1st, 2020.
See the thread here for the email from someone warning him back in mid-February 2020 that the CCP was lying about the situation with COVID in China.
#7: The redactions in the emails might reveal that the US military is involved in this.
See the thread here for more details.
This might have been debunked here.
#8: This release of Dr. Fauci's emails appears to be the result of the Judicial Watch FOIA fillings, or, BuzzFeed requesting it.
See comments here, here, and here.
#9: The Gates Foundation innovations were proposed to Dr. Fauci.
See comment below by MAGAhhh_igetit, which refers to page 1383.
#10: Possible sequencing of COVID by India, acknowledged by Dr. Fauci.
See the thread here for more details.
#11: Mark Zuckerberg and Dr. Fauci exchange emails, talking about the COVID jabs back in late-February 2020, prior to the March 2020 lockdowns. They were already working on trials at that time.
See the threads here, here, here, and here for more details.
These emails were before Dr Fauci's February 29th 2020 interview with MSM, saying that we do not need to worry about COVID yet. See here, and here, for instance.
He also called the risk of COVID 'minuscule' back in mid-February 2020. See here. If he believed that to be the case, then why would he be discussing vaccines with Zuckerberg within a few weeks time?
#12: Dr. Fauci was informed (and replied to) an email about the possibility that COVID was engineered (i.e., lab origin), back on February 1st 2020.
See the threads here and here for more details, and/or, pages 3187-3193 of Dr. Fauci's email document.
#13: In early-March 2020, someone emailed Dr. Fauci suggesting that the media ought not to be fear-monger, rather, give perspective (with comparisons to other illnesses and diseases).
See the thread here from Patriots for more details.
A person on Patriots also made a few comments in regards to these sorts of lies here and here.
#14: In early-March 2020, someone who might be Dr. Fauci's friend calls COVID an "attack", Dr. Fauci replies gently to the email.
See the thread here from Patriots for more details.
#15: In early-March 2020, someone emailed Dr. Fauci about being careful not to give Trump ammunition for his re-election campaign (among a few other points), to which Dr. Fauci replied "thanks for the note".
See the thread here from Patriots for more details.
#16: Someone emails Dr. Fauci about Tedros (The W.H.O.) wanting to possibly be cryptic (hide the truth), and, links a ZeroHedge story. Dr. Fauci replies, asking them to chat on the phone (or video call).
See the thread here for more details. Page 3125.
ZeroHedge was apparently banned from Twitter the next day, as pointed out here on Patriots. Coincidence?
#17: Someone emailed Dr. Fauci to invite him to Geneva W.H.O. meeting (to discuss COVID), and mentioned that the meeting was 'supported' by Bill Gates.
See the thread here from Patriots for more details.
#18: A professor at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, emailing Dr. Fauci in early-April 2020 to thank him.
See the thread here from Patriots for more details.
#19: Dr. Fauci discussing the Moderna vaccine back in mid-February 2020, despite 'Operation Warp Speed' not being announced by Trump until mid-May 2020.
See the thread here from Patriots for more details.
#20: Someone emails Dr. Fauci about hydroxychloroquine and anti-malaria drugs showing promise in Africa on May 1st 2020. Dr. Fauci replies, thanking the person and says that we'll know more soon whether HCQ works or not.
See the thread here from Patriots for more details.
This contradicts our prior knowledge about Dr. Fauci knowing HCQ to be effective against the SARS-1 virus (i.e., Dr. Fauci is in all likelihood pretending here that he doesn't know HCQ is likely to work for COVID aka SARS-2).
#21: Dr. Fauci receives and acknowledges an email about Gilead's Remdesivir & their soon-to-be-released statement (for marketing purposes).
See the thread here from Patriots for more details.
#22: Dr. Fauci is pleased that Brad Pitt portrayed him in a skit, in which Brad (presumably) smears Trump.
See the thread here from Patriots for more details.
#'s 23-35 of the list are here.
Our brothers and sisters are digging over at Patriots as well. See the thread here, for instance.
I have cross-posted this thread over there as well, to help pool resources & not re-invent the wheel for each post.
ZeroHedge have picked up the story (and have included a few emails not shown above yet).
Some keywords (+variations) to search: Obama, Biden, Clinton, vaccine, lab, laboratory, engineered, CDC, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Google, censorship, mRNA, Klaus Schwab, gain-of-function, masks, lockdowns, mandate, Trump, top advisors to Obama/Biden, Bill Gates, China, CCP, Xi Jinping, Cuomo, nursing homes, Newsom, Pelosi, Whitmer, election, fraud, hoax, treatments, hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, remdesivir, Pfizer, Moderna, The W.H.O., Tedros, and, the names of various fake news outlets.
The bit about masks not working really pisses me off. When this BS started I looked at the efficacy of retail masks, starting with the seemingly most protective, the N95.
Looking at their website, they (3M) clearly state "these masks will not stop the CV19 virus" and logically you ask why?
Well the simple answer is the size of the droplets it's able to filter. That size is 0.3nm. Then the next logical question is, how big are the CV19 droplets? Well the average start size is 0.16nm (half of the maximum the masks can stop) so the surgical mask with no face seal, no one way filter (3M N95 only filters the inhaled Co2 and not the out breath so you still spread it) is next to useless.
The bits of old T - shirts that people have made into fashionable muzzle masks would have been better wearing their underwear on their head!
But as usual, those blinded by the MSM, friends and family dismiss it, all ready to be good little sheep without questioning anything, baa.
THIS, I tell people, try drilling concrete with a N95 and you will be chewing sand in about a minute. HOW IN THE FUCK WILL THAT STOP A VIRUS. Today I told a fucken retard, “ so in 2020 we discovered the medical miracle of stopping virus’ by wrapping socks around our face”
People are so fucken stupid!
Been saying it for a year. I refinish antique furniture and N95 masks definitely do not keep out sanded paint/varnish particles.
Real life experience trumps Fauci's BS "science".
Conversely, if you have been exposed to a small amount of virus then re-breathing into a mask will increase the viral load exposure to your lungs and could make you sick.