This is one of the email to fauci,. Copy and pasted from other article So this one is not real! Duck Duck go intervirion fusion and you find the same article Intervirion Fusion. HIV-luc(ACE2) (500 ng of p24) was mixed with 1,000 ng of p24 of HIV-gfp particles incorporating ASLV-A envelope, SARS-CoV S protein, or both envelopes in PBS at 4°C for 30 min to allow binding. Samples were raised to 37°C for 15 min to allow for conformational rearrangements. Virions were adjusted to the desired pH with 0.1 M citric acid. PBS, TPCK-trypsin (final concentration 10 gml), CTSL, cathepsin B (CTSB) (final concentrations 2 gml) or CTSL buffer alone was then added. Recombinant CTSL (R & D Systems) was preactivated by incubation for 15 min at 10 gml in 50 mM Mes, pH 6.0, on ice. Recombinant CTSB (R & D Systems) was preactivated in 25 mM Mes, 5 mM DTT, pH 5.0, for 30 min at 25°C. After a 10-min incubation at 25°C, proteolysis was halted by the addition of 300 l of DMEM10 containing leupeptin (25 gml) and STI (75 gml). Virions were then incubated at 37°C for 30 min to allow membrane fusion. 100 l of the virion mixture was added in quadruplicate to HeLa-Tva cells pretreated for 1 h with leupeptin (20 gml). The cells were spin-infected and incubated at 37°C for 5 h. The medium was replaced with fresh DMEM10 and the cells were assayed for luciferase activity 40 h later. Temperature-Sensitivity Intervirion-Fusion Assay. Intervirion-fusiound this on duck duck go Search intervirionfusion same text as in fauci email.
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For comparison:
I wrote to respresentatives and senators to inform them of certain matters, referencing and copy pasting certain parts from scientific journals as I deemed appropriate to support my view and encourage them to do the right thing, and vote all these "covid19 measures" to the land of has been.
I do that because I am not a virologist, or a biochemist, naotechnologist, etc. I am simply a guy who reads stuff and tries to comprehend the scam.
That said, compare this to what Adam Gartner is doing and his background.
If I were to sent Fautsjie a mail, and it would be disregarded, well, not a nice thing, the least he could do is say, thank you, but that is about it, although, given the gravity of the issue, he may stumble flat on his fascist face, because of it. I mean, if I, as a regular guy would have warned him, or requested his attention to artificial origins, as a professional with life and death AND economical consequential decisions to make, the least he could and should have done is, pass it on with recommendation to look into it.
In this case, we probably are talking about this guy:
Check this out
At any rate, I cannot find any academic qualifications. Irrespective of that, bitch slapping a guy like Fautsjie with established papers showing how this got done, is not a bad idea, and does not proof fakeness. Quite the contrary actually.
In the Netherlands Willem Engel does the same thing and better. He is actively engaged in the judicial fight for our freedoms. Willem, though, has a background in biochemistry, wrote his thesis, but decided he wanted to be dance instructor.
Quite funny to think he now is 24/7 busy pouring over all scientific papers and evidence to not only find the origins of this artificial virus, but also how to cure it, and how to help those who have gotten the jab and potentially reverse it.
This teaches us that it is not about who says something (call to authority, which is a logical fallacy) but what somebody says and the quality of the presented evidence.
Additionally, I would make the following remarks in closing:
This is not about you being wrong or right, or proving you wrong. It is about showing you how to avoid being a person who cried FIRE in fully crowded cinema.
This is also not about Adam Gaertners credibility. Just the fact that he has send an email, showing fautsjie the artificial nature, probably moving from the premise he would act in a way commensurate with our freedoms. Confirmed Cool
Thank for reply. Your englisch is alot better than mine,Willem Engel i know i am Dutch to, He is actively engaged in the judicial fight for our freedoms(sorry for copy paste)And i am very thankful, he is my hero. Thank for your reply,and hope it is"quite the contrary" Think you are alot like Sherlock Holmes
No, it is merely that through my life I have obtained a certain view that can be superimposed on anything for analysis purposes.
Who did what when where how for which profit against which price? Would, could and should. (See Woulda, coulda, shoulda,
Maar! Heel mooi om een mede landgenoot hier in het Q hoekje tegen te komen! Je kan me PM als je bij wilt praten.
wie wat hoe en waar? vroeger geleerd op basisschool.(46 lentes).Vraag hoe PM? Ben inderdaad benieuwd ,naar jouw denkbeelden over dit alles.Ikzelf vind het schandalig hoe de overheid met ons omgaat.Alleen al mijn vaccinatie uitnodiging,asperine heeft nog een betere bijsluiter.Groeten bob