The first thing they would say would be “of course, that’s why Drumpf hasn’t been charged with all his crimes, orange man bad”, not “wait, maybe that’s why they all hate him, because they are all bad”.
Remember this when you wonder why the plan includes Biden in office, and Trump “neutral for optics”. “It had to be this way”!
Partly so dems get the blame for what's coming.
Yes. This I agree with.
There are other reasons as well. The military has quite a burden in this scenario. It’s not fascism. They have to wait until certain criteria are met. Break glass in case of emergency.
Then there is the global optics to think about. China is watching. They know that what they did is a provocation to war, if it is not successful. They could have all sorts of nasty weapons in place from the Biden era. We could be hostages and not even know it.
Think about their perspective. The situation in their own land is so bad, they have spent a trillion dollars and decades of corruption to get to this point. They have too many people, not enough land/food. Their goal is depop of the US and control of the food supply. They almost got it. They released a WMD and crashed the entire planets economy. The suffering they caused is impossible to measure.
Sometimes nuclear weapons are the least bad option. We are in a very precarious game. My assumption is that we are in the middle of a typical military deception op. I think they knew exactly how the fraud would happen, and they had Trump prepare the right EOs for them to capitalize on it. I think they figured out a way to allow Biden control of the “presidency” and Trump or another loyalist control of the military. They knew what an investigation would eventually turn up, and allowing Biden temporary control solves all sorts of problems.
Throughout history militaries have pulled off some amazing deceptions, including our own. Why would this be any different?
“You are watching a movie”
They are TALKING about all the destructive things, but in reality, nothing is getting done.
Where is DC as a 51st state?
When will court packing happen?
If not now, why talk about divisive Topics early?
There has to be a reason that the role of bidet is being played by an actor. This IS the starring role in their plans, why can't the authentic bidet step up? The real Bidet is no longer a player.
Even the supposed real Biden wss just an actor. Politicians all get their strings pulled.