Incoming scare event? Iran threatening EMP strike on US
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Would this be a FALSE FLAG event, which the Deep State might use in a last minute desperate move to stay in power? They set it up in advance to blame Iran?
If anyone is threatening an EMP (or any other attack)... look for the most logical source. It sure isn't Iran. Which election fraud is being exposed? Which pandemic fraud is being exposed?
Yup. THAT is your enemy. Those are the ones most likely to attempt to destroy the U.S.. If they can't control it... then nobody can!!!
The Enemy, including the likes of hillary and CIA and iran and china and cartels and soros and all of them, would rather deconstruct America but they are happy if it is simply destroyed, yeah.
That is a satisfactory goal for them, destroy America and at most any cost or by any means.
Why bother with an EMP tho, the Deep State is simply 'hacking' infrastructure and getting the job done.
Bioweps and hacks are killing us, why use an EMP?
Asking for a Fren who wants a farraday cage...
Because it would allow them to shut off the power and blame someone else.
I don't think they would use an EMP.
Think about it. That destroys their entire power base. They control their lemmings through MSM and the internet (Big Tech), through their cell phones, tablets, smart TV's and computers. An EMP removes their own sources of control and manipulation.
I think it's far more likely that they will double-down on causing widespread deaths, fear and panic. Release deadly illegal drugs in U.S. cities that will cause drug users to die in large #'s. Dump caches of automatic weapons into gang areas of cities. Do whatever it takes to cause panic and fear among the populace. That will make MORE people tune in to MSM and the internet to get the latest news. The Deep State then controls the messages they hear.
That would be a more likely scenario. Fear of an EMP or nuclear attack also works to scare people into watching MSM or internet... so the lemmings can all be programmed.
Some bullspit I tell ya, I get the feeling its ppl from said website posting this paywall article bs
WOW they really are freaking out. It was only yesterday China was threatening nuclear attack on the US over Wuhan, and the next day Iran threatens an EMP attack?
You should never wish for the total destruction of your enemy.
Q said that Iran should be freed. The people of Iran are not to blame, their leaders are.