I agree with you, but there is a group of people that have not accepted Jesus that should be worried. Post rapture will be a very tough time for a lot of people, and an opportunity to accept Jesus into their hearts at that time. I don't think this is to scare people who believe, but to wake up people who don't.
I guess personally I see the message as unconvincing to get people to try to accept Jesus, which I’m guessing is his end goal if he is a disciple of Jesus? I think it is scary and will make people turn away from God. To get people to turn towards Jesus I think a more convincing message to help people would be to talk about what He did, or proof that the Bible is real. I think a message like Stella’s hurts Jesus’ message of love, compassion and an absence of fear.
I don't preach the message this person preaches, but some people do need to hear that message. I understand where you are coming from, but Jesus did flip tables and wasn't a coward. I think that if anybody is preaching that doom and gloom message they had better be ready to site some verses to back it up. But God is a vengeful God, read Hebrews 10:30-31 (and all of Hebrews). Everyone will have to be judged by God at some point, so to me we should get that message out there and God will do His thing and His chosen will hear, the others will use it against Him to try to justify why they won't turn to God...
Yea you’re probably right. Some things work for some people, and some work from others. I just hope messages like these turn more people towards Jesus than away from Him.
I agree with you, but there is a group of people that have not accepted Jesus that should be worried. Post rapture will be a very tough time for a lot of people, and an opportunity to accept Jesus into their hearts at that time. I don't think this is to scare people who believe, but to wake up people who don't.
I guess personally I see the message as unconvincing to get people to try to accept Jesus, which I’m guessing is his end goal if he is a disciple of Jesus? I think it is scary and will make people turn away from God. To get people to turn towards Jesus I think a more convincing message to help people would be to talk about what He did, or proof that the Bible is real. I think a message like Stella’s hurts Jesus’ message of love, compassion and an absence of fear.
I agree! Some people are very harsh and don’t see how they come off
I don't preach the message this person preaches, but some people do need to hear that message. I understand where you are coming from, but Jesus did flip tables and wasn't a coward. I think that if anybody is preaching that doom and gloom message they had better be ready to site some verses to back it up. But God is a vengeful God, read Hebrews 10:30-31 (and all of Hebrews). Everyone will have to be judged by God at some point, so to me we should get that message out there and God will do His thing and His chosen will hear, the others will use it against Him to try to justify why they won't turn to God...
Yea you’re probably right. Some things work for some people, and some work from others. I just hope messages like these turn more people towards Jesus than away from Him.
There is no rapture
those left behind novels did a lot of damage but nowhere in the bible dies it say christians will suddenly disappear leaving their clothing in a heap
Some people interpret the Rapture as the bad guys disappearing.
I have no opinion on the matter -- don't know enough to speak intelligently on it.
But what if...
What if these jabs contain something that could make millions of people go --poof -- vanish in an instant!
If not these, then perhaps the boosters?