Vaxholes being tracked and monitored... But will all be dead in 2 years.
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Fake news. Some people that took the mRNA vaccine will die. Some may have long term health problems from the vaccine. Many won't have any noticeable problems (or only minor problems). Taking the vaccine isn't the end of the story.
The key is waking people up. If you took the vax... then it's time to be MORE careful about your health moving forward. It's important to eat right, stay healthy and take the vitamins, minerals and supplements (or medications) needed to correct the damage from the vaccines.
There is a cure, Suramin. Its found in pine needle tea.
Is there a special type of pine? How to prepare the Suramin tea would be a valuable post.
I use Scots pine needles, half a handful in a cafetiere with boiling water, let it stew a bit and drink. It doesn't change colour very much as tea does, some maple syrup makes it taste even better!
I have seen that Norfolk Pine needles are not to be used, why I don't know but I am not going to use them.
Thank you. Your response is very much appreciated. God bless…
I was filling out new patient paperwork online for a doctor's office the other day and there was suddenly a new form in there all about GIVING CONSENT FOR VAX STATUS DISCLOSURE TO SOME TYPE OF MASS DATABASE!
The freaking web form offered no option to DECLINE either - the only option was to consent/opt IN. Since I refused to sign that document, it wouldn't even let me FINISH the rest of the questionnaires or complete the patient registration process! =-O
Hope it isn't true. We do not know.