its their own fault no one believe anything they say, because they lied and embellished about so much of it. unfortunate this is something they never learn from and keep repeating. they have a problem with object permanency, and living in the future instead of the now. they will lie, cheat, and swindle, to improve their current situation, with no thought onto the ramification of future generations of their descendants. They are in a self imposed cycle, of picking them selves up after they cause everyone else to cut them down from their ill gotten positions of greed and power.
You ever been to the holocaust museum? There’s literally a mountain of evidence that it DID happen. They had no special effects for cinema back then. How do you explain black and white footage from back then of US troops literally liberating them from camps and they are clearly nearly starved to death and naked? And footage of American troops describing what they saw and did. There’s footage of emaciated bodies in huge piles.
It's not use getting into discussion with people like that. For some reason, I don't know why, they have something against Jewish people, and there is nothing that will change them, except perhaps becoming a Christian (since, when you are a Christian, you are "grafted into" Judaism)
Stalin was having people "photoshopped" out of pictures and history in his time, well before WW2. Here are some WW2-ish era "photoshops"
Jews and Germans alike died from disease and starvation from having supplies to the country cut off by the "allies."
People did die during the Holocaust, but nowhere near what we are taught. In my opening reply, I said I wanna find out how much is bullshit. A lot of it is bullshit.
Also it was the Russians that did most of the liberating, but you don't seem to know much about history. American troops weren't there enmass until well after the Russians had done most of the work at the "camps." And a lot of the photoshoots from that time were recreations/RESHOOTS because most people were already liberated by Russian forces.
General Patton himself was quoted as saying "We've defeated the wrong enemy." We should wonder what he meant by that.
Good to see you zionist shills can't handle truth. No wonder you have to have laws passed protecting you from being researched and exposed.
Yea I wanna learn just how much of the Holocaust is bullshit. Because, most of it is indeed bullshit.
"History is a lie! E-e-xcept that! That really happened and is so unquestionably true that questioning it is prohibited!"
EDIT: The absolute hypocrisy of Q following pro-Israel RETARDS. (as in, you're retarded if you're pro-Israel, for the slow crowd)
So the thousands of survivors with tattooed forearms and horrific concentration camp stories were misinformed by their eyeballs and emaciated bodies?
I think it's very possible that lots of people died to make people believe a false narrative.
Have we not just witnessed this with the Rona?????
its their own fault no one believe anything they say, because they lied and embellished about so much of it. unfortunate this is something they never learn from and keep repeating. they have a problem with object permanency, and living in the future instead of the now. they will lie, cheat, and swindle, to improve their current situation, with no thought onto the ramification of future generations of their descendants. They are in a self imposed cycle, of picking them selves up after they cause everyone else to cut them down from their ill gotten positions of greed and power.
News flash! People lie. It wouldn't even be remotely difficulty to get a few thousand members of a TRIBE to collectively lie for their cause.
That's literally happening right now with MSM/social media. I don't know if you've noticed.
I bet you believe the stories about the "death rollercoasters" and machines that "masturbated Jews to death" too, huh?
You ever been to the holocaust museum? There’s literally a mountain of evidence that it DID happen. They had no special effects for cinema back then. How do you explain black and white footage from back then of US troops literally liberating them from camps and they are clearly nearly starved to death and naked? And footage of American troops describing what they saw and did. There’s footage of emaciated bodies in huge piles.
It's not use getting into discussion with people like that. For some reason, I don't know why, they have something against Jewish people, and there is nothing that will change them, except perhaps becoming a Christian (since, when you are a Christian, you are "grafted into" Judaism)
Ever been to a wax museum? Same difference.
Stalin was having people "photoshopped" out of pictures and history in his time, well before WW2. Here are some WW2-ish era "photoshops" (NOTE THAT IT IS INFINITELY EASIER TO ADD SOMETHING TO A PICTURE THAN IT IS TO SUBTRACT SOMETHING FROM A PICTURE)
Jews and Germans alike died from disease and starvation from having supplies to the country cut off by the "allies."
People did die during the Holocaust, but nowhere near what we are taught. In my opening reply, I said I wanna find out how much is bullshit. A lot of it is bullshit.
Also it was the Russians that did most of the liberating, but you don't seem to know much about history. American troops weren't there enmass until well after the Russians had done most of the work at the "camps." And a lot of the photoshoots from that time were recreations/RESHOOTS because most people were already liberated by Russian forces.
General Patton himself was quoted as saying "We've defeated the wrong enemy." We should wonder what he meant by that.
Good to see you zionist shills can't handle truth. No wonder you have to have laws passed protecting you from being researched and exposed.
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