Goodness, there are so many things on the internet explaining the nefarious plots of evil people... my head is spinning. Illuminati, Freemasons, Marxists, China, Communists, Democrats, Rinos, Corporate Giants, Bilderbergers, Zionist Jews, NWO, Reset, Khazarian Jews, BLM, Antifa, Liberals, Woke, Soros, Gates, Mossad, Deep State, etc., etc., etc.
Can anyone recommend something that explains how they all fit together? Some are leaders. Some are tools. Some are forums. Some are lesser entities doing their role. Are they all working for Satan? Are they competing with each other?
Patriots and Q and Anons and Jesus are against them all. We win in the end, but in the fight to get to the end I want to understand my enemy.
Insights appreciated.
The common denominator you are looking for is psychopathy. The Dark Triad personality trait. All serial killers are psychopaths, but not all psychopaths are serial killers. Check out a quirky Irishman called Thomas Sheridan who studies psychopaths. His insights are quite profound. The organisations you list are part of what he calls the Psychopathic Power Grid. Human cultures would need mechanisms in place to identify such individuals and restrict their access to positions of power and influence. Alas, it’s a horse and cart situation where historically they have always been both the horse and the cart.
Had never heard of him or this theory. I will check it out. Thanks.