Others have said the containers had "187" (code for homicide) kill teams headed for the EU to replace other teams that had been caught/dismantled.
The WMD angle seems to make more sense to explain why it is still stranded in that lake after all this time... the official explanation is that it is being held until compensation is paid does not pass the sniff test... (that is too flimsy a reason to hold all of cargo on the ship hostage for a very long time).
I've never dealt with an insurance that would just pay off, and since the cargo unless it is perishables isn't a loss I would expect the insurance to balk at paying anything.
Others have said the containers had "187" (code for homicide) kill teams headed for the EU to replace other teams that had been caught/dismantled.
The WMD angle seems to make more sense to explain why it is still stranded in that lake after all this time... the official explanation is that it is being held until compensation is paid does not pass the sniff test... (that is too flimsy a reason to hold all of cargo on the ship hostage for a very long time).
If this were just an accident the owners of the cargo and the ship would have paid the compensation and been on their way.
This is what the insurance would have covered. Very thin narrative here lol.
I've never dealt with an insurance that would just pay off, and since the cargo unless it is perishables isn't a loss I would expect the insurance to balk at paying anything.