It alludes to the fact some of the research leads to shiite which will cause nightmares and anxiety.
It also alludes to the fact you will have to choose to know, Know, or not, that you can not be and therefor will not be force fed as is done with DS media propagandas or MKULTRA programs.
It alludes to the fact none of us can know it all, I choose not to dig deep on some of the more Evil aspects of it all for instance. Millions and millions of others do dig tho, collectively we are a powerful thing, almost impregnable, alone we are fragile and inconsequential. So it alludes to the fact of our Great Awakening community also, to my way of pondering matters anyhow. It cloaks us with secure flanks and allies, numbers and backup and support, secure in that we are not alone.
It also alludes to the fact that we anons will have, do have now... the chore of helping those who do not know or want to know, because nothing can stop what's coming.
Where We Go (One) We Go All. Even if 'I' didn't go where you went I'm with you.
A lot of times Q would post this when the info was disturbing like pedo pics or tweets from Hollywood and other pedos. You would have to click on a link to see it.
Some sheeple will never believe and don't care to research and learn
To continue researching, no matter how ugly the truth is.
Some things, once seen, cannot be un-seen. It will be your choice whether or not you decide to see some of those things. Nobody will force you.
Q drop 2051 Sep. 1 2018: Those who know CANNOT SLEEP.
The worst of the worst is best kept to those who seek to find it. Coming out with everything wouldn't be beneficial to the whole.
Like with everything 'Q', it is layered.
It alludes to the fact some of the research leads to shiite which will cause nightmares and anxiety.
It also alludes to the fact you will have to choose to know, Know, or not, that you can not be and therefor will not be force fed as is done with DS media propagandas or MKULTRA programs.
It alludes to the fact none of us can know it all, I choose not to dig deep on some of the more Evil aspects of it all for instance. Millions and millions of others do dig tho, collectively we are a powerful thing, almost impregnable, alone we are fragile and inconsequential. So it alludes to the fact of our Great Awakening community also, to my way of pondering matters anyhow. It cloaks us with secure flanks and allies, numbers and backup and support, secure in that we are not alone.
It also alludes to the fact that we anons will have, do have now... the chore of helping those who do not know or want to know, because nothing can stop what's coming.
Where We Go (One) We Go All. Even if 'I' didn't go where you went I'm with you.
A lot of times Q would post this when the info was disturbing like pedo pics or tweets from Hollywood and other pedos. You would have to click on a link to see it.
The hidden meaning is..."the choice to know will be yours".
It's pretty clear. You are here to.learn so you already made the choice.
I think it means the truth is in the 'Europa, the final battle' movie