It seems like the Obama administration resumed the gain-of-function 11 days (!!!) before Trump’s inauguration. Can’t make this up.
Jan 9th 2017 Gain-of-function
The YT channel “John E Hoover”, byIAmJohnCullen, found it, not me. That channel is great, but has a small number of subscribers, so I want to make sure more people learn about it.
“Recommended Policy Guidance for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight |”
Two outstanding videos from IAmJohnCullen, with Crowdsource the Truth:
It seems clear to me that this was one of the plans discussed at those meetings that the SS was kicked out of. It wasn't just about Spygate. They clearly decided that if they had 3 full years to prepare for the 2020 election that they would create a bio-weapon to trap the world in their homes while they took over.
If proven true these lunatics should be shot. What if their man-made virus had mutated into something much more deadly and killed half the people on the planet like out a scifi movie? They are so obsessed with their own power they would rather watch the world burn than given up control. SMH...
They would have loved it if the virus killed half the planet. These people believe that we are killing the planet with overpopulation. It's also a lot easier to control fewer people. The plan has always been to weaken the population as much as possible. So that when they released a disease it would kill as many as possible. Then they could give people a vaccine that would kill people slowly.
Using bombs or nukes destroys all the valuable infrastructure. I think if they thought they could get away with it they really would release something that killed half the planet.
They don't REALLY believe the planet is overpopulated. Sure some of their useful idiots are convinced of that, its just a convenient excuse to bring their slave heard back down to a manageable size. 10,000 masters don't need 7 billion as a slave heard. Anything more than 1 billion is excessive.
People who make these kinds of statements rarely include themselves in the lists of the dead. Yeah, kill ‘em off so there’s more stuff for me!!! If you and your family were going to be th