Even worse when they don’t have it covering their whole face just their mouths! I try to figure out the thought process but logic never works for the mind controlled...
Even worse when they don’t have it covering their whole face just their mouths! I try to figure out the thought process but logic never works for the mind controlled...
There is a certain segment of the population who enjoy covering their faces. There’s a certain “gangster” appeal for them.
I spent several hours in a hospital the last 2 days, visiting someone. I had to pass a "covid checkpoint" where a bored lady asked if I had been around anyone with covid or had a positive test or covid symptoms blah blah blah monotone etc etc. You were expected to pick up a mask. No temp screening.
But I didn't put it on. We got directions at the front desk and walked quite a way to the room up 6 floors and through several hospital patient room sections. No mask on me. No-one said a thing or gave dirty looks or anything whatsoever.
I spoke to doctors. Nurses. I was there for several hours over 2 days. Visited cafeteria and walked through the same 4 complete sections of hospital rooms multiple times. No mask. Literally walked past patients laying on hospital beds being pushed down the halls from place to place. All hospital staff were masked, as you would expect.
I even spoke to one Dr who literally was an infectious disease specialist. I had no mask at all, not even pretending.
And not a word. This was a high end major hospital in a big city.
The only person who gave me a hard time was the front desk lady one time when I walked out to leave but walked back in to take a leak before driving home.
"You need to wear a mask when you're in the hospital." And I said "Lady, I've been walking around this place all day without a mask, so...."
Yeah it's just an anecdote but it proves to me that the people who SHOULD know do know and they don't care about masks..... because they know.
Good job! I was kicked out of the dollar store today because I told the lady I don’t need a mask
dollar store stricter than a hospital lol.
It is more than that.
They're showing obedience despite facts.
They're signalling obedience to the SaTaN.
It is fear based MK Ultra mind control.
Fear is Trauma.
Stockholm Syndrome.
Agree - brain-washed dopes.
They gave up theirZ souLzZ
But God will give them one more chance.
Mostly ugly women who think it levels the playing field.