2017 - Orange man bad and he’s going to kill us all!
2018 - Orange man bad and he’s going to kill us all!
2019 - Orange man bad and he’s going to kill us all!
Global Warming as well. That is the biggest lie, started in the 1980s and it is so powerful that it is used and modified (Climate Change) to create fear every year since. They want to now use it for future lockdowns and restricted human rights.
Forgot about that. My mom who was in her seventies at the time kept asking me if Y2K could really cause global catasrophe. I assured her it wouldn't, then asked her what, on a personal level do you think will happen? Her answer; the" computers" won't work properly. I talked about backup systems and failsafes and she finally told me she was afraid HER computer wouldn't work properly. LOL! Miss you Mom!
As someone who was working in the IT field during the whole Y2K thing, I can assure everyone that this was a real thing. The only reason it turned out to be a nothing burger is because we IT folks worked our butts off for several years prior to Y2K to make sure we fixed and tested all of our programs. My Y2K New Year's Eve was spent at work all that night making sure that if there were problems, we'd be there to fix them as they arose. There was no partying for us.
So, anyone that says this was all faked can kiss my sweet patootie.
Correction, Fear is going to CONTROL you
2017 - Orange man bad and he’s going to kill us all! 2018 - Orange man bad and he’s going to kill us all! 2019 - Orange man bad and he’s going to kill us all!
2021 - Orange Man killing us with his poison Vaccine!
Please remember Who it is that told you (very lovingly) "Do not be afraid..."
Blind panicky fear is blasphemy against the Only Living God...
Interesting little break there when Trump assumed office in 2016...hmm.
Global Warming as well. That is the biggest lie, started in the 1980s and it is so powerful that it is used and modified (Climate Change) to create fear every year since. They want to now use it for future lockdowns and restricted human rights.
Fear is believing in reverse. It gets you what you fear. Fear not for no weapon formed against thee shall prosper.
Actually it was 1999 predicting that Y2K was going to destroy everything.
Forgot about that. My mom who was in her seventies at the time kept asking me if Y2K could really cause global catasrophe. I assured her it wouldn't, then asked her what, on a personal level do you think will happen? Her answer; the" computers" won't work properly. I talked about backup systems and failsafes and she finally told me she was afraid HER computer wouldn't work properly. LOL! Miss you Mom!
As someone who was working in the IT field during the whole Y2K thing, I can assure everyone that this was a real thing. The only reason it turned out to be a nothing burger is because we IT folks worked our butts off for several years prior to Y2K to make sure we fixed and tested all of our programs. My Y2K New Year's Eve was spent at work all that night making sure that if there were problems, we'd be there to fix them as they arose. There was no partying for us.
So, anyone that says this was all faked can kiss my sweet patootie.